
 PAGE 7 of


 Even more Cap Guns from


 Leslie-Henry Paladin and Davy Crockett Cap Guns
cylinder from Rich
Hall, one of the major collectors in the WORLD! (and one of our
loyal advertisers on this website) |
another example of virtually "cloned" Cap Guns. You will notice, of course,
that the grips are different and the hammers are a little different. This Davy
Crockett gun is also different from the other one listed in this Leslie-Henry
section. Michael mentions that these are the 9" versions of these
guns. |
Be Sure
To Click On The Thumbnails!
 These super
sharp photos are thanks to Michael Sheehan. |
Here is a
Paladin that is an unusual collaboration between Leslie-Henry and
 Click on this photo for
a close-up!
 Click RIGHT HERE for a big
close-up of the full-size Cap Gun photo!
 These photos are thanks to Steve
Arlin. |

 Here is the same basic gun as
the Wild Bill Hickok featured above, but this one is a Paladin. Extremely rare
and costly. This one is from Chuck Quinn's fabulous collection. The second
photo is basically put there so that you could actually read where it says,
"Paladin." Remember? Have Gun Will Travel. I loved that show.
 Thanks to
Belinda Quan for these photos.

 A rather fabulous and rare set from MILCO of
Canada complete with Paladin's business cards and a photo of Richard Boone as
 Thanks to Scott McCollum

 Here's a nifty
collection of Maverick gun Mint On Card (MOC). From left to right:
Leslie-Henry, Leslie-Henry for Halco, Carnell (probably still by Leslie-Henry),
and a Halco Derringer on a Nichols-style belt clip.
 Photo by Belinda
Quan from the Chuck Quinn collection.

 Leslie-Henry Maverick and Gunsmoke Cap Guns
The Cap
Guns in these six photos are a prime example of the concept that a company
would take a popular gun of good design and change the name on the gun or the
grips and bingo! You would have a new gun. The Maverick above has some unusual
"star" grips and the Gunsmoke version below has the "somewhat standard" horse's
head gripsamber in this case. |
Be Sure
To Click On The Thumbnails!
 These super
sharp photos are thanks to Michael Sheehan. |

Gunsmoke / Matt Dillon Double Set
This is about as fancy as a set
like this could get. Beautiful holster and wonderful Cap Guns.
 Photos by Rich
Hall |
Be Sure To Click On The
Thumbnails! |

 Here's the same gun as
above, but with black handles and a RED star elliptical insert.
 Photo thanks to
Rich Hall

Gene Autry .44
Now here's a "Dirty Harry" gun
before there was a "Dirty Harry." (I love Clint Eastwood movies!!!) A
Leslie-Henry Gene Autry .44.
 Actually the .44 was a common size gun, even in the
old days. It just didn't have the serious Smith & Wesson power you are
thinking about. But Leslie-Henry made a fine Cap Gun. |
Be Sure To Click On The
Thumbnails! All photos
thanks to Larry & Marilyn Tanneberg. Thanks!!! Below we have the Singing Cowboy and our
.44 |

 Gene Autry Gold
Finish Cap Gun by Leslie-Henry
Be Sure To Click On The
Thumbnails! Thanks to David
Denton. |
This is one of the
most valuable Gene Autry Cap Guns that there is! Made by Leslie-Henry around
1950-1960, we all just wish we had been smart enough to buy a few cases!
Beautiful gold finish and high-relief black grips with a horse's head on them.
Truly a wonderful find and if that isn't enough, then there always the box,
which is worth more money than most people's collections these
days! |

 This is a
wonderful double holster Leslie-Henry Gene Autry set that has Champion's image
all over the leather. And Gene's signature in the middle. Thanks to Rich

Here's a great comparison shot of the Leslie-Henry Gene Autry
Western Repeater Cap Gun and the same thing in the Buzz Henry
variety. Thanks to Chuck Quinn .

 And how's this
for a nice Gold Gene Autry Leslie-Henry Cap Gun and holster? This one is
furnished to us by our friend Scott McCollum of Tulsa, Oklahoma.

 Here's the box for the
standard nickel-type Gene Autry Cap Gun featured above. There's Champion on the

 This is such a nice photo of the "standard" type of Leslie-Henry
Cap Gunalbeit the Gene Autry version, that I just had to include it. It
would be hard to take a better photograph. This one comes from our friend Scott

Gene Autry Pop-Up Version
This pop-up version is simply
the Wild Bill Hickok pop-up version above that has been renamed.
 This specimen
shows the gold version, but it also comes in the nickel plated version, which
is less rare. |
Be Sure To Click On The
Thumbnails! All photos above
thanks to David Denton |
And here's the nickel
plated version. Photo thanks to Scott McCollum |

 More of the
10-1/2" Leslie-Henry Gene Autry Pop-Up Version in Nickel
These photos were so good of
the rare 10-1/2 version of the pop-up model that I just had to add
 Photos by Rich Hall |

 I couldn't resist it and so here's another gold pop-up versions
of the Gene Autry classic from Chuck Quinn.

 Here's the box
from a Gene Autry Ranch Outfit, but made by Leslie-Henry.
 Thanks to David

 Here's the
insides and the outsides of another Gene Autry Ranch Outfit. Do remember
to "Mouse Over" our photos to see if you can look at a larger version. In this
case...you can.
 Many thanks to Scott McCollum.

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