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 Even more Cap Guns from


 Leslie-Henry Cavalry Model
Photos Thanks To David Denton |

Bonanza Model of Above
This is another example of how
a company like Leslie-Henry would take a regular Cap Gun and add another name
when it might sell more guns.
Be Sure To Click On The
Thumbnails! All photos thanks
to Jan Davis |

 Here's the
same basic Leslie-Henry (with the elliptical "H" it may have been sold under
the HALCO label) Cap Gun, but it's clearly labeled a Texas Ranger
 Thanks to Tim Tobin for the photo.

Champion was the name of Gene
Autry's Horse. Therefore, Leslie-Henry, who also made a Gene Autry Cap Gun came
out with a cap pistol dedicated to Gene's horse. This is the more rare "Dummy
Hammer" version.
 Why anybody would want to have a Cap Gun that was dedicated to
the horse I don't know. Horses DID carry guns, but they were usually .30-30
rifles and seldom did they fire them. |
Be Sure To Click On The
Thumbnails! All photos thanks
to Dick DeArmond |
Here is a very rare version of
the same Cap Gun. The Gold Champion that is a smoker!
 Most of the time
repeater Cap Guns didn't smoke like the ones with the bullets because the
hammer just hit the cap on the roll on the anvil and that was that.
 Thanks to Doug Hamilton for these
photos! |
 Here's a nice Champion Ranch Outfit holster set and box from
Rick McQuiston |

 Even More Rare
Example Of L/H Champion!
This is about the most rare
version of the Leslie-Henry Champion Cap Gun that there is. The thing that
makes this Cap Gun so rare is that it has a lots of extra scrollwork all over
the gun.
Be Sure To Click On The
Thumbnails! All photos thanks
to Rick McQuiston |

 Canadian Copper Version of Champion
This is
the rarest of the versions of the Leslie-Henry Champion series. In COPPER! And
the L/H holster makes it even more special. WOW! What a find! All Photos
Courtesy of Scott McCollum |

 Besides having
a different box, we can see the Cap Gun partially opened. I don't think there
is another Cap Gun in the world with such a pronounced "ammo release" lever in
front of the trigger guard. Couldn't they find a better way? Jack Rosenthal ,
one of our advertisers from Toys and More, contributed this photo.

 Gold Texas Ranger Cap Gun
This Cap
Gun is completely out of character for Leslie-Henry, but it is a great Cap Gun!
And the gold makes it just that much more rare.
 Photos thanks
to Jim Manning of JM Toys. |

 Leslie-Henry Texas Ranger 1955
This is
one of the simple Cap Guns. A first model die-cast Texas Ranger around
1955. Thank You Kevin Derfler For Your Photos! |
Here is a
super nice set, completely with wristcuffs and a box! Thanks to our friend
David Denton for these photos! |

 Here's the
Texas Ranger set, but with Buzz Henry Gene Autry Cap Guns and all of the bells
and whistles.
 This photo by Scott McCollum

 Here's a simple
version on the card. Just try and buy it for 89 cents. You might have to pay
$150 in this condition.
 This photo by Chuck Quinn

 Leslie-Henry Texas Ranger in .44 Style
Just above we
have the same basic gun as the Wagon Train model but it is the Texas Ranger
version. Thanks to our friends Bud & Edith Dashiell for these
And for some
strange reason, here's another version of the same gun! Thanks to our
friends Bud & Edith Dashiell for these photos! |

 This is obviously an extremely rare Texas Ranger boxed set by
Leslie-Henry. Why? Because after 15 years of having Leslie-Henry products on
this website, finally somebody submitted it.
 These photos by Dustin

Here is a Cap Gun that you
don't see very often: The long Barrel Maverick.

Be Sure To Click On The
Thumbnails! All photos thanks
to Rich Hall |

 Maverick Leslie-Henry Long Barrel Guns in Set
Here you
have a set of 1950's Maverick Cap Guns and a double holster set - as seen on
the ABC TV show - made by Leslie-Henry Company. It is genuine leather with a
3-way adjustable belt and 12 bullets. This example is mint in the box. These
are the translucent amber grips with the white ellipses. |
Photos Thanks To Randy Ibey. |

another version of the same set as above, but it has a different Maverick
holster and different Cap Guns. The show WAS popular, but it's still hard to
believe that they would sell two different sets.
 This photo by
Jim's Vintage Toys

 Leslie-Henry Maverick sold by HALCO
Right View |
Left View |
Breakaway View |
Click On Each Thumbnail For An Enlarged View! All Photos Courtesy of Ed
Myers. Thanks! |

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