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 Even more Cap Guns from


 5-in-1 Cap
Gun/Rifle Combo (Secret Agent Style)
This cap gun is the Rare and
hard to find "5-in-1" Cap Pistol/Rifle combination with dark finish variation
made by Leslie-Henry. This set was inspired by the many Secret Agent and
Private Eye TV programs from the early 1960's.
 Many thanks to
Hall, one of our advertisers
Be Sure To Click On The
Thumbnails! |

 U.S. Secret Agent Cap Gun Set by Leslie-Henry MIB
the same set, but in the mint box. It is the U.S. Secret Agent Cap Gun Set
which was produced by Leslie-Henry during the height of the Spy & Secret
Agent craze of the mid 1960's. It comes complete with Attache Case, Snub Nose
Revolver, Rifle Stock, Barrel Extension, Camera, Badge, Binoculars, Telescopic
Sight & ID Card with Wallet.
 Photos by Rich Hall |

 Leslie-Henry Davy Crockett
This gun, of course, is no more than a standard
Leslie-Henry like the Wild Bill Hickok that has been re-tooled to have the name
Davy Crockett. Notice that this is really a basic Buzz Henry style.
 But then again, your ring finger is very
much like your middle finger and you wouldn't want to do without it, so you
have to have the Davy Crockett gun if you want a complete Leslie-Henry set.
Besides, the doggone thing is quite rare!!!
 All photos thanks to Bob Garvey!
 Be Sure To Click
On The Thumbnails! |
 This is the same basic Davy Crockett Cap Gun from Leslie-Henry
(also could be called a Buzz Henry), but this one is a single-shot. Most
 Thanks to Dave Klahn of The Ten Gallon
Hat, one of our advertisers.
 Three Davy Crockett Cap Guns From Leslie-Henry
Here's 3
great close-ups of the Davy Crockett seriesall from
Leslie-Henry. |
Be Sure
To Click On The Thumbnails!
 The great
close-ups are thanks to Chuck Quinn. |
 In many ways, this Lone
Rider is similar to the bottom Davy Crockett just above, but I think it must
have been made very late in the company's life.
 Photo thanks to
Janet Van Houten.

 Leslie-Henry Bonanza Double Holster Set
Be Sure
To Click On The Thumbnails! |
Now here's a
set you won't see every day! This is a Bonanza Set from Leslie-Henry. The box
says "Diamond H Brand" but by the guns, we all know that it's a Leslie-Henry.
Besides, on the end of the box it says Leslie-Henry anyway. |

Leslie-Henry Bonanza w/ Long Barrel
Here's another style of
Leslie-Henry Bonanza Cap Gun. This one is called the long barreled version and
is more in the regular style of the other Leslie-Henry Cap Guns. This chrome
version is pretty rare and this example is really shiny.
 Many thanks to
Scott McCollum.
Be Sure To Click On The
Thumbnails! |

Colt .45
This is an unusual Leslie-Henry
Cap Gun in that it bears no insignia of any kind. True, it has the "H" within
the ellipse like many Leslie-Henry guns, but it isn't dedicated to a hero nor
does it have a pet name.

Be Sure To Click On The
Thumbnails! |

 Leslie-Henry Smoky Joe
This Cap
Gun was manufactured from about 1950 to 1955. It is one of those guns that is a
basically a variation on the second Wild Bill Hickock gun, but has a different
name. This model has the copper grips. On the grips it says, "TEXAS
 Photos by Mike Dunbar |
 Here is the
HALCO version of this same Cap Gun with the box. You will notice that the gun
doesn't have any scrollwork on the barrel and the grips are different from the
photo. Actually, the photo on the box makes it look like a Canadian version,
with their special little square-hole screws.

 And here's a good close-up of the box.

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