
 PAGE 5 of


 Even more Cap Guns from


Wagon Train
This Leslie-Henry Wagon Train
model is a really nice Cap Gun!
 This is a rather large gun that is a model .44 that
sometimes makes a ricochet sound. The finish is antique bronze and the
scrollwork is nice.
 I mention that the 2 on the right got "squzzed" a little, but
that was so that they would fit. Many thanks to Greg Drocz for the thumbnail
group of photos. |
 The box is
advertising that it makes a high-powered bullet sound when fired.
"ZING" Thanks to Jack Rosenthal of Toys and More for this

 And another version of packaging for the same Cap
Gun. Again, thanks to Jack Rosenthal of Toys and
More for this photo. |
Be Sure To Click On The
Thumbnails! |

 This is a rare
set indeed. Modeled after Robert Horton's character on the TV show Wagon Train.
It is all leather with the name tooled into the holsters.
 Thanks to Dave

 Another Wagon Train by Leslie-Henry
Click On Each Thumbnail For An Enlarged View! All Photos Courtesy of Merrill
Hines. |
Please Click On Each Thumbnail For An Enlarged
View! |

 Gold Wagon Train from Canada (M.A. Henry)
This is
another one of those M.A. Henry offerings from Canada and this one has a gold
finish. It is a little hard to see, but it's there. Again the square screws in
the grips give the Canadian part away.
 Please Click On
Each Thumbnail For An Enlarged View! All Photos Courtesy of Chuck
Quinn |

 Here's a
Wagon Train version rifle. There are more rifles on the Rifles Pages. Be sure
to click on the small photos to see larger ones.
 Thanks to Tim

 Flying "A"
Ranch Gene Autry Rifle
This is a simple little toy rifle. But it
probably sold well. I hate to admit it, but I never saw a Gene Autry movie in
my life! But he was very popular during the 40's and 50's.
 Thanks to Steve
Arlin |

 Texas Ranger
Here we go with another example of a company
sticking with a design, but merely changing the label. And the color in this
 Thanks to
Arlin |

 And yet another version of the Texas Ranger Rifle from
Leslie-Henry (HALCO).
 Thanks to Tim Tobin

 And another SUPER RARE
offering from our friend Tim Tobin. Crispus Attucks was a black man involved in
the Boston Massacre and was the first person killed. Perhaps if he had had a
fine Henry rifle like this he would have turned around the battle! But this
rifle was found in a flea market basically. It is almost a dead ringer to the
Texas Ranger rifle and Tim thinks it might have been a commemorative
 Thanks to Tim Tobin

 Here is a
complete Rifleman set from Leslie-Henry. VERY RARE (especially to have the box)
But look! We also have a holster in the same motif.
 Thanks to
Scott McCollum of Cap Gun Treasures

 Another fine
offering by Belinda Quan of Chuck Quinn's absolutely incredible collection.
This is the incredibly rare Laramie version of the basic Leslie-Henry Cap Gun.
This is the only one I have ever seen in the 4 years (so far) that I have been
building this website. It would seem that the only thing limiting Chuck Quinn
is the size of his house. Belinda says that everything in the house (almost) is
Cap Gun and Western Memorabilia.. He probably has a shower stall with built-in
Cap Gun displays.
 Thanks to Belinda Quan for these photos.

 Here's a Laramie Cap Gun
made by Leslie-Henry, but for HALCO to distribute. Please notice that the area
where the name is is totally different, as is the Diamond "H" on the
 Thanks to Belinda Quan for these photos.

 Annie Oakley Cap Gun by Leslie-Henry
Here is one
of the basic styles of Leslie-Henry Cap Guns that is dedicated to Annie Oakley.
Though this is very similar to several others, it is still a MUST (!!!) if you
are going to have a full set. Besides, this particular is pretty rare as things
go. I wish I had a dozen of them.
 Please Click On Each Thumbnail For An Enlarged
View! All Photos Courtesy of Mike Chafin. Thanks Mike!!! |

 Here's the same basic gun
as the Laramie, but this one is a Marshal and is MINT ON THE CARD, but the
card, being cardboard is showing its age for sure. And this one is in bronze
 Thanks to Louise Utley for this photo.

Marshal (HALCO)
Leslie-Henry was one of the
premier makers of Toy Cap Guns. This Cap Gun is the blued version of the
Marshal (Halco) by Leslie-Henry from around 1955-1960. It was about 10-1/2
inches long and had a revolving cylinder and bullets.
made models for nearly "every occasion." Davy Crockett, Gene Autry, Matt
Dillon, Hopalong Cassidy, Laramie, Maverick, Range Rider, Roy Rogers, Wagon
Train... Shall I go on? The list is long! |
Be Sure To Click On The
Thumbnails! All photos thanks
to Gayle Bosko |

Leslie-Henry Marshal
This is another one of those
offerings from Leslie-Henry and their Canadian branch. Again, you can tell it's
Canadian by the four-sided screws in it.
Be Sure To Click On The
Thumbnails! All photos thanks
to Chuck Quinn |

 Here is a really rare set of Leslie-Henry model .44s in the
antique bronze. From top to bottom: Gene Autry, Wagon Train and U.S.
 Many thanks to Jim Schleyer of Western Toy Guns (what we
in the hobby refer to as Backyard Buckaroos) for this

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