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Roy Rogers! The King of the Cowboys! I hope that his estate considers that as complimentary and is not an actual tradename! However, it is true for most of us. This man epitomized the glorious Western Life. He was our hero! We adored just about everything about Leonard Frank Sly (his real name).

Along with his wife, the DARLING Dale Evans and his sidekick, Pat Brady, we were glued to our TV sets every Saturday to find out if Roy was going to be successful against the Bad Guys again. Did you notice that there wasn't any real "killing" on these TV shows??? And there was a definite difference between Right and Wrong? I think that is what is ruining our current society. Shows now have to have blood spattered all over the screen in order to make it "real." The Long Ranger shot the gun out of the Bad Guy's hand. Well, we all know that is actually impractical, but the message was that law and order didn't require killing necessarily and fights were with fists, not always guns.

And Roy was a GENTLEMAN!!! And a good singer with his Sons of the Pioneers.

Roy and Dale also were the real thing in their private lives. Just ask all of the kids that they adopted! You just won't find a better role model for a hero. At least to me.

So, send in photos of Roy Rogers and his horse/s and anything connected with him and especially the Cap Guns that were dedicated to him.

Do you remember how companies and heroes used to stand up for their products? Thanks to Don Raker for this contribution.

Here's a couple of good shots at a RR Ring. I wonder if there was a secret decoder?

Photo by Michael Sheehan.

Roy Rogers and Trigger
Here he is, the King of the Cowboys himself, Roy Rogers and his BEEE-UUUU-TI-FUL Golden Palimino, Trigger.
Here is the whole bunch: Pat Brady, Bullet and Roy and Dale.
Where's Trigger, Buttermilk and Nellie Belle?
Photo thanks to Jimbo Williams

Here's a couple of fine photos of Trigger and Bullet from the Roy Rogers Museum just before it closed.

Photos by Jim Manning of JM Toys.

I always wondered if the Roy Rogers flash draw sets were just fantasy sets. Looks like Roy had at least one real one! Don Raker found this photo of Roy with a Flash Draw set on the cover of a comic book, so they must have been "real."

Photos by Don Raker.

Here's an incredibly rare Balantyne Roy Rogers Cap Gun with the holster, box and a marketing ad (encased in protective plastic from Leo Strauss in New York). If you were to carefully compare the Cap Gun with the drawing of the Cap Gun in the marketing ad, you would notice some discrepancies, but it's just a drawing. I bet there aren't very many of these in the whole world. Sets like this, I mean.

Photo by Belinda Quan from Chuck Quinn's VAST collection. Click to see a bigger photo.

Early Balantyne Roy Rogers Cap Gun
Here is a rare and unusual Roy Rogers Cap Gun! Balantyne. Never heard of them. Maybe you have? Anyway, this gun is pretty rare and in nice shape. Very unusual in every way.

Many thanks to Doug Hamilton!!!

Here's another excellent view of the insides of this rare Cap Gun.

Many thanks to Rich Hall.

More Roy Rogers Balantyne
Here's some more photos of this rare Cap Gun so that you can see more detail.
Photos thanks to Chuck QuinnOne!

Roy Rogers Holster Set
Here is an incredible soft glove leather holster set. The Cap Guns pictured are George Schmidt guns, but my main interest here is the holster set and its gloves. They are simply magnificent. The studs and conchos are in amazing shape. These gloves are as heavy as welder's gloves and the heavy metal gold Double R Bar logo is very nice. This is a set you just don't see every day. However, they are preserved here for everybody to enjoy. Do you have photos like these of your favorite Cap Guns or Holsters? Let me know!

Many thanks for these photos to John R. Smith

Here's an interesting Cap Gun box by the M.A. Henry Company made somewhere around WW II.

Photo by Scott McCollum

Dale Evans George Schmidt Gun
The "Queen of the West." Dale Evans was not only our heroine of the Saturday Matinee, but she was the epitome of generosity. She and Roy adopted quite a few kids and had many charitable pursuits.

Ron Kelley has generously donated these photos.
Be Sure To Click On The Thumbnails!
These photos are shrunken, so that you will be persuaded to CLICK on them—still the Schmidt Cap Guns. This is an EXTREMELY RARE set and has
been furnished by David Denton.

Here we have a nice pair of your basic Buzz Henry Cap Guns, but with pink grip inserts and Dale's name on them. I tell you, just about any Cap Gun with Dale Evan's name on it is going to be an extremely good investment!!! It seems that there just aren't enough of her guns to fill the demand. So I see them go up and up in value.

Thanks to David Denton.

Roy Rogers Cap Pistol
Here is a Roy Rogers Cap Gun by Kilgore from around 1955. This Cap Gun is about 9" long. The grips also came in tan-chocolate.

Many thanks to "VESS"
Here are a couple of nice "other" photos of this gun. (and box!)

Special thanks to Allan Coyle for these two photos!

Long Tom Roy Rogers

Well, you can just assume that ALL Long Toms are expensive and this example is no different. This one is a Long Tom with Roy Rogers on the grips. This particular Cap Gun is MINT. The layout for this group of panels is a little different, but I had to squeeze them in somehow!

All photos thanks to Jerry Carney

Long Tom w/ Roy Rogers Signature

This is one of those Cap Guns that will set you back a LONG WAYS when you even think of trying to buy it. The famous Long Tom with the Roy Rogers signature that is engraved on the side. And the engraving is so faint that it gives you another reason to faint when you see the price.
Here, if you pay close attention, you can barely make out the engraving that was done at the factory. Really...Roy didn't sign each and every gun. He probably would have, had he known how valuable these would some day be!

Kilgore Roy Rogers Gun
Here is a common Roy Roger repeater by Kilgore from about 1955. As near as I can tell, it is RR-18 in Backyard Buckaroos and is the same model as above, but with the dark chocolate grips.

Many thanks to Roy Steunenberg!

Trigger had to have a trailer for his transportation!
This is for Trigger & Trigger Jr.

Many thanks to Jim Manning of JM Toys

The Roy Rogers R-90 by Classy
Here is a pretty rare gun that was made by Classy in around the 1955-1960 era.

Though the same basic gun also came in the lesser version with the metal grips, this one, as you can clearly see has the dark brown bronze grips. The gun is about 9" long.

When he found out I wanted to use his photos, Mike was even nice enough to go out and take two more, just to make sure I had a good set! Now that's participation!
All photos thanks to Michael Sheehan.
Be Sure To Click On The Thumbnails!

Here's a nice set from Classy that has everything but the kitchen sink! These are the chrome Classy guns and everything here is brand new. Imagine being a kid and waking up with this set under the tree!

Thanks to Scott McCollum for this entry

Here's a set with the same box and Leslie-Henry Cap Guns. Beautiful holsters!

Thanks to David Denton.

And here's one just thrown in for Christmas from our friend Don Raker. Wonderful holster set to go with the Classy Roy Rogers Cap Gun.

Here's a wonderful Combination Set of many things Roy.
This photo came from Jason Reber. Thanks!
(Click to see a larger photo)

Roy Rogers Contest Set by Classy

This is a very rare contest award set that includes the original award letter signed by Roy Rogers. The guns are 24 carat gold plated. This holster is excellent. The box is 13 x 13 x 2". The set was the 3rd place award in the 1957 Baker's Instant Chocolate Contest.

Many thanks to David Denton

Roy Rogers Rifle
This is a plastic cap shooting Roy Rogers rifle made by Marx. The cap mechanism is metal. It's a Winchester with checkered engraving, octagonal barrel & a pistol grip.
These photos thanks to Willy Henson

Classic Limited Edition Roy Rogers Watch and Lunch Kit Set
We told you we were not only interested in Cap Guns, but also in Toys in general. And honoring our heroes (and heroines) in particular!

We can think of nothing that would be more satisfying than to have a whole slew of "regular" toy dealers advertise on our Dealers Page and in our Graphical Classified Section. But that's another issue.

This is a combination Roy and Dale watch set that was made by the Fossil Watch Company in 1994. It is a limited edition of 15,000 and this one happens to be #5775.

Many thanks to Doug Hamilton for these photos.
Be Sure To Click On The Thumbnails!

Here's a great Roy Rogers cowboy oufit that would make a young buckaroo proud.

Roy Rogers
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