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 Here's even more of John Bracken's fine
collection. He says that it's hard to get these photos, as most of his stuff is
placed in showcases that are mounted in the walls, so he has gone to a lot of
trouble to show you his collection. |
If you want your Cap Gun collection featured,
then please send your photos to:


 This is a good shot of one
of the showcases that John has built into the wall. I especially like the
Pasadena Stallion 45 and box.

 It's hard for me to believe
that there was such a thing as "Political Correctness" when this gun was made,
but it's right there on the side, "DOES NOT SHOOT CAPS." Amazing. What a joy
some kid missed!

 I think if I had brought
this gun out to the playground, I would have been beaten up! Or at least I
would have had a brand new nickname!

 This one would set a lot of people back about a week's pay. It
looks like John has the box shrink-wrapped to protect it. Smart move. This
Leslie-Henry Cap Gun is a real treasure too.

 It looks like there was a G.I. Joe before there was even a G.I.
Joe, so to speak. Nice HALCO holster set box.

 Here's 4 Keyston Brothers holsters sets in a row,
with the last set full of a pair of Nichols Stallion 41-40 Cap Guns and also
displaying a 1946 Silver Pony and a Pasadena Stallion 45.

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