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 Richard Strom has been collecting Cap Guns for a
long time, but focuses mostly on Nichols Cap Guns. |
If you want your Cap Gun collection featured,
then please send your photos to:


 Here's another friend and
visitor, to my humble cap gun museum. Bill Shideler, aka Granddad's Toy Box.
I've bought some items from him, and he and I have visited face to face on
three or four occasions. Bill is a great man in the antique toy world; his
knowledge is great and seemingly unabridged.

 Though this blonde Buccaneer is missing the
ramrod, it is still quite rare as things go. Blued metal parts too. Remember
that this fires the red plastic pellet.

 Here's a valuable set of the mini Nichols guns.
I've never see that gold Pinto (?) in the upper left area

 Nichols Detectives. You don't see the copper ones
very often.

 This is an unusual Stallion 45 MK-II to me.
Notice that it has stag grips and also the gold type medallion in the grips.
How come a Nichols like me doesn't own very many Nichols Cap Guns? (simple
answer: I wasn't smart.)

 Naturally he would have
plenty of round caps too!

 Mixed in with this group is
the Pasadena Silver Colt. This is an unusual gun in the fact that its
scrollwork is raised, rather than engraved into the gun itself like almost all
Cap Guns. There's a reason for that. See the Silver Colt page.

 And here are all three versions of the Silver Colt. The one in
the middle without the scrollwork is the original and also the most

 Close-ups of a couple of nice Stallion 45's. The
one on the top is the 1st version of the Pasadena Stallion 45 that was the "Toy
of the Year" in 1950 at the World Toy Fair in New York City. The bottom one is
a Stallion 45 MK-II, which has been called the "King of the Die-Cast Guns."
(Backyard Buckaroos)


 Here's an unusual Lone Star Beer display with a
Stallion 38. I haven't a clue as to what that black circle in the grip is. The
idea here is that you put the Lone Star in the proper place and lower the
Stallion 38 and it opens it. Very strange!

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