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 As it turns out, there are quite a few other Cap
Guns from companies that never quite made it to the forefront. Some of the guns
weren't any good and some were TERRIFIC! But they don't quite fall into a major
category, so we present them here.


 Reno 2 from
The "Reno 2" maybe also is from
MS, "M.I.(Made in) Germany", who made lots of tin toys in the 50's and 60's. No
Logo, stamped metal, but the style matches. It's made of four pieces, the
cylinder parts are separate. The barrel is one piece. The grips also are
stamped metal, and screwed on. Length is about 22 cm which is about 8.66 inches
for us.
 Photos by Claus Niehoff CLICK ON

 Texas Kid from Germany
"Texas Kid" is "Made in Western Germany" from "MS Michael Seidel, Zirndorf",
Model No. 6003. It has, like all MS toys, a capricorn-logo. It's made of die
cast, the grips are plastic. There are two bodyparts screwed together. Length
is about 24 cm which is almost 9-1/5 inches for us.
 Be Sure To Click On The
 All Photos Thanks To Claus Niehoff |

 True, this is not listed
here because of the Cap Gun, but because of the HOLSTER!!! "Hey Kids, What time
is it?" (answer) "It's Howdy Doody Time!" Clang your magic clanger Froggie!
Where's Clarabelle? Everybody loved "Buffalo" Bob Smith. This holster must be
pretty doggone rare, for I haven't seen one before.
 Photos by Cheri
Basham of LotzOfOldToys

 Silver Star and
Holster by Unknown English Maker |
Here is a rare set that was
made in England. Nobody seems to know who made it and the guns actually came in
nickel, gold and bronze.
 Photos by Austrin Mckenna |

 Gold Star Cap
Gun from England |
Chuck doesn't know much about
this Cap Gun, except that it came from England and so he had to have
 Photos by Chuck Quinn |

 Hop A Long
Junr's From Canada
These guns are HOP A LONG Jrs.
Ed says he has never seen them before until he got this pair from Canada. They
are 8-1/4 inches long and just cute as heck. I would guess they are from the
1950's, but not sure. Per Paul Kennelly, Curator/Director of the West Wales
Museum of Childhood, KE-LO Toys are made by the Keith Lowe Industries of
Dudley, England. Paul says it is the Dudley Castle insignia on the plastic
 Photos by Ed Manes |

 Two Italian Guns
Two very
well made and very hard to find Italian guns, the Fury made by
Benedetto and the Nelly made by Colpi.
 Be Sure To Click On The
 All Photos Thanks To Steve Arlin |

 Sally Starr was a famous cowgirl and prominent 1950s celebrity
television personality. Using a cowgirl persona, she appealed to local TV
audiences of several generations of children through American radio, Broadway
stage, movies and as a recording artist for over 60 years. She passed away last
year at age 90. This white double holster from the 1950's has blue Sally Starr
logo and icons.
 Photo by Marc Rossen

 Canadian Walther P-38
to look like a Walther P-38 right down to the Walther banner which reads " Cap
Gun " this little 4-1/2 " beauty was made by the Last Minute Manufacturing
Company of St. Catherines, Ontario. It fires perforated roll caps with a neat
reverse hammer travel design. The box reads like a patriotic testimony to
Canadian Workmanship. " This is a mechanical toy made by Canadians for the
enjoyment of Canadian boys. Take it apart; put it together. The principle
involved will prove a fascinating game for young and old. The side panels read,
"The workmanship on this gun is a tribute to the prowess of Canadian workmen.
It speaks for itself." The same in French on the opposite side. It is heavy die
cast, painted black, and the sides of the grip section proudly display the
Canadian maple leaf.
 Be Sure To Click On The
 All Photos thanks To John Stuart |

 Here is the Targetland set rifle and it shoots soft "super stick"
plastic darts. It has a break-down mechanism in the front of the rifle that
lets you load the gun. The gun cocks by lever action.
 Photo by Bill

 Champion Cap
This little chrome plated
beauty resembles the hammerless pocket pistols that were popular at the time.
The toy wing of the company was better known for its cast iron rolling toys
especially the Champion Police Motorcycle. The company closed its doors in 1965
and were making padlocks at the time. The gun is a break top and has a rotating
cylinder. It appears to have used a paper disc cap like the Kilgores but not
the same configuration.
 Photos by John Stuart |

 This is
from the TV show The Detectives which aired from 1959 to 1962 and
starred Robert Taylor as Captain Matt Holbrook, as you can see, it has that on
the holster. The gun is probably a Leslie-Henry (or maybe a Hubley?), as it has
the H on the handle that was normally used for the HALCO series.
 Photo thanks to
Kenny Illges

 Here's an unusual Cap Gun
from Italy of all places. I wouldn't think that they had heard of "Wild Bill."
Tim says that it is only 4 inches long! Almost as small as those "cannons" that
go BANG from Italy and Austria that my dad once had. (pin fire
guns) Presented here by our friend Tim Tobin

 This is a plastic gun
you put together sold by Kelloggs back in 1954. You sent in one box top and
$.50 for the set. There were four different models. This is the Colt .45 - 6
shot revolver. This is complete and has never been assembled. It has the
directions and the original tube of glue (although dried up). These are rare in
any condition and this one is mint. Thanks to Dave Klahn of The Ten Gallon

 Cap Gun Cane
from National Novelty Corporation
Here's a weird one. A walking
cane that holds a roll of caps and will actually fire. It's kinda rusty, but
you send better photos, and I'll certainly consider yours!
 Photos by
Brian Ravena |

 Well, it's certainly not a
Cap Gun, but it is weird. This is a Buck Jones rubber band gun. The area where
the hammer would normally be that looks like a chicken's comb is for multiple
rubber bands. Thanks to Dave Klahn of The Ten Gallon Hat.

 1890 Cast-Iron
Cap Gun (be sure to click on the thumbnails)
Here is one of the weirdest
Cap Guns that you are ever likely to see. It is a cast-iron Cap Gun from 1890.
Katrina says, "The only info I receivedd about this came from a person who has
the 1990 book by Logan & Best out of publish. It is 1890's & listed in
the book s.n. 37." And that, my friends, is all we know about it. Except that
it's older than all of the Cap Gun collectors. I had to use individual large
photos, as all were different sizes.
 Photos by Katrina Hatch |

 This smoker
actually has "smoke" that you load into it in order that you get a nice and
hefty cloud of smoke when you fire it. This box is sealed in shrink-wrapped
plastic to protect it.
 Photos thanks to Scott McCollum.

 Where's a
self-respecting cowboy without his spurs? Kenton and Schmidt both made Lasso
'em Bill Cap Guns and here's a nice set of Lasso 'em Bill spurs from Keyston

 And here
are some Ruff'n Ready Spurs. I don't know who made the Ruff'n Ready
 Photos thanks to Scott McCollum.

 Comanche from
This Cap Gun is so much like
the Hubley original that you would have thought of Hubley immediately. Even the
bank teller you were robbing would have described it as a Hubley to the
All photos thanks to
Quinn Be Sure To Click On The Thumbnails! |

 Texan by Brentoy
(Goodwood Productions...Australia)
Here is a copycat toy Cap Gun
from Australia. Those Aussies ought to be ashamed of themselves. They're smart
enough to come up with something on their own. They invented the kangaroos,
didn't they? God? Oh yeah, God invented the kangaroos. Well, I'm sure they have
the brainscertainly the brawn.
All photos thanks to
Quinn Be Sure To Click On The Thumbnails! |

 Can anybody
tell me what company manufactured this Panther Machine Gun? It looks fantastic,
but I can't find out anything about it. Old photo! Photo by Jack Rosenthal
of Toys and More

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