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 Even more Cap Guns from Mattel!


This Lone Ranger Rifle was a Mattel Shootin'
Shell Rifle! That is, it actually shot little plastic pellets that were similar
to the Nichols-style pellets that were used in the Derringer, Stallion Model
61, Buccaneer and Detective.
 This rifle is 26" long and it has a metallic sticker
on the right side of the stock. This is a rare model and makes a mighty nice
prize for the owner.
 These two photos thanks to Frank from
Absecon, New Jersey! |
These two photos thanks to Kim Mlynarski. |

 Here's a particularly
rare variation on the Tommy Gun from Mattel called the Night-Fighter.
 Thanks to Dave

might have put this set with the Crackfire rifle, but it only says Crackfire by
the pistol and holster and the rifle is the basic Winchester above, but with
"Lone Ranger" on the receiver.
 Thanks to Jack Rosenthal

 This is the same basic
rifle, but it has golden metal and instead of the simple silver cover for the
receiver, you will notice that it has scrollwork painted on. See the little
lever on the handle that allows it to shoot in rapid succession? This rifle
must really be rare, for I see a lot of the others, but not this one.
 Thanks to Steve

"Winchester" Saddle Gun
This is the Mattel
"Winchester" Saddle Gun. This one is in almost mint condition and has the
original box. This Cap Gun has the rapid fire feature. It loads and ejects the
Mattel play bullets and uses perforated roll caps.
 All photos
thanks to Rich Hall, one of the greatest collectors in the hobby. You ought to
check our Collections Page to see more of his collection. |
Be Sure To Click On The
Thumbnails! |
 Here is the same saddle gun
from about 1958 and packaged with a bandolier and ammunition!
 Photo thanks to

 Well, by
now you know what a sucker I am for a really nice photo and this one is no
exception. Except for the places where somebody tore off the yellow label,
everything about this one is dead mint. And I would have photo-edited those
yellow places back into the photo if only I had an inkling of what they looked
like. But I don't have a better example. You can click on the photo to see a
bigger one, for I couldn't resist that either.

 And here is the very next generation of
this rifle, but with Shootin' Shells.
 Photos thanks to Scott McCollum, of Cap
Gun Treasures.

 Here is a variant by
Mattel. The Buffalo Hunter Set, which includes a Fanner 45 and a hunting knife
and holster. Very rare set and not cheap!
 Thanks to David Brown for the

 How's this for a pretty spectacular toy
Tommy Gun set? It includes the snub nosed 38 listed above and a toy Tommy Gun
that almost looks real. And for a kid to play with??? Well, you have to
understand; in "the good old days" we weren't afraid of our children and
children were actually taught Right and Wrong and the police were respected!!!
Ahhhhh, fond memories! (I combined 2 of Ken's photos.)
 Thanks to Ken
Thompson for this photo.

 Mattel Dick Tracy Tommy Burst Cap Gun Set
another toy Tommy Gun! Here's another variation of the Thompson 45 sub-machine
gun by Mattel. This one is in C-10 perfect condition too!!! Again, this gun was
called the Tommy Gun, named after its designer, Thompson. They were used in
World War Two, but their cost was rather high, so we didn't have nearly as many
of them as we wanted. Gangsters seemed to always be able to afford them, even
though they were illegal to own. But since when do the crooks pay attention to
the Liberal's restrictive laws?
 Be Sure To Click On The
 All Photos Thanks To
Mike Sheehan |

 Mattel Marauder
Division Tommy Burst Automatic Cap Rifle
This is the RARE &
Hard-To-Find Marauder Division Tommy Burst Automatic Cap Rifle by Mattel. This
Tommy Burst variation has the night vision scope and removable flash suppressor
on the end of the barrel.
 These photos are thanks to Rich
Hall |
Be Sure To Click On The
Thumbnails! |

 Mattel Tommy
Burp Machine Gun
Here's another toy Tommy Gun.
At first glance you would think this is the exact same toy gun as the one
above, but it isn't. In this case, the photos are so nice that I probably would
want to put them here anyway, but this one has a different name and is not a
 These photos are thanks to Roy Steunenberg. |
Be Sure To Click On The
Thumbnails! |

 Here's the Tommy Burp, but Mint On the
Card (MOC).
 Thanks to Rich Hall for this photo.

I look on auction sites a lot and this is the
first time I have seen this particular toy machine gun. This is a .30 cal.
Browning Machine Gun from World War II (basically). It is the American version
and you can tell because the American version has a pistol grip-type handle,
whereas the British version has two grips and the trigger mechanism is located
between them and is a lever-type button. While this one doesn't have a trigger,
per se, it has the American pistol grip. It fires by turning the crank, simple
as that.


I look on auction sites a lot and this is the
first time I have seen this particular toy machine gun. This is a .30 cal.
Browning Machine Gun from World War II (basically). It is the American version
and you can tell because the American version has a pistol grip-type handle,
whereas the British version has two grips and the trigger mechanism is located
between them and is a lever-type button. While this one doesn't have a trigger,
per se, it has the American pistol grip. It fires by turning the crank, simple
as that.

So just when I thought I wouldn't see one again,
here is another one and this one has the tripod too! And a BOX!!!
 Photos by Linda
- Browning
Machine Gun and tripod
- The inner
mechanism of the cap advancing area
- The
entire box w/ a kid having fun!

 Another offering from Mattel
in their series of plastic machine guns! Just one more example of a toy Tommy
 Photos by Bob Garvey

 Mattel Firebolt
Assault Rifle |
This is the Mattel FIREBOLT Cap
Gun from the early to mid 1960's. It is the most realistic of all of the Mattel
Military/Police cap guns. It has a moving bolt action, adjustable peep sight,
and air-cooled smoking barrel. It has two-way automatic firing action with caps
or with vibrasonic sound. This variation is both cap firing & noise making
or just noise making. This cap gun is extremely rare.
 These photos
are thanks to Rich Hall |
Be Sure To Click On The
Thumbnails! |

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