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 Marx has long been one of the largest toy
manufacturers in the world. They have created all sorts of quality toys for
generations and the Cap Gun hobby is no exception.
 In addition to
their full-sized Cap Guns, they even created an entire line of miniature Cap
Gunsnot to be confused with the small Derringers and flintlocks like the
Nichols Buccaneer or the Dyna-Mite, but TINY GUNS! In this section we have Colt
Army 45's, Johnny Ringo stuff, rifles and miniatures.


 Marx Roundup
Time at the Circle X Ranch Set
Here's a really neat set from
the 1960's. This set came with everything a young Buckaroo might need except a
hat. Two pistols, a rifle, a knife and sheat and a double holster. You don't
find many of these.

Please Click On Each Thumbnail For An Enlarged
 All photos thanks to Darin Iles |

 Roy Rogers
This is a plastic cap shooting Roy Rogers rifle made by Marx.
The cap mechanism is metal. It's a Winchester with checkered engraving,
octagonal barrel & a pistol grip. These photos thanks to
Willy Henson |
 Well, if you can remember Steve McQueen as Josh
Randall on the TV series Wanted: Dead of Alive, then you are definitely
"Over The Hill." Hey, I remember it well. And it wasn't even one of the oldest
westerns! It was strange how many good lawmen gave Josh a hard time, even
though he was rounding up the Bad Guys a lot faster than they were!
 Thanks a lot to Dan Morphy of Morphy's
Auctions for this fine photo!

will notice that this rifle is called a "Mare's Laig" rifle-pistol. That was
one of the trademarks of the TV series that set it apart from all of the other
shows, actually. Steve had a different kind of gun. |
Some fine shots of another
example of the Mare's Laig rifle that was carried by Josh Randall. This
particular one is a miniature Mare's Laig and is 5-1/2" long. Marx was famous
for their miniatures. Depending on your screen size and the resolution, the
example on your screen might be larger than the original Cap Gun.
 These photos by
Bob Garvey. Thanks Bob! |

 Steve McQueen was the
epitome of COOL and here is a fabulous shot of him wearing his
"Mare's Laig," spurs, boots and working on his race car. It just doesn't get
any better than this.
 Photo thanks to Wes Wieder

 There was just no doubt about it, Steve McQueen was plain COOL
and so the Wanted Dead or Alive TV show was very popular. Here are two
mint sets from the Chuck Quinn collection (see it in our Collections Section),
the top one being a dart game from Marx.
 These photos by Belinda Quan

 Mare's Laig Set
w/ Holster
Here is a set featuring the Mare's Laig, but with a holster.
It is unusual to see the inside of the box. Kids usually threw away the
 Thanks to Jim Mair for the photos. |

this is just another packaging difference from our friend Jack Rosenthal of
Toys and More.

Well, it's not a Cap
Gun, but it's still pretty interesting I think. And it's "By Marx!!!" (That
used to be their TV slogan.) Obviously this little toy gun fired rubber suction
darts. If you've never been shot in the forehead, then you haven't really
 Photo by Bob Garvey. Thanks again Bob!

 Here is one of Louis Marx's
Lone Ranger Target Games.

 And another one.
 Thanks to

 And here is
one more that is really fine! And you don't see much Dick Tracy stuff
 This is from Andrew Teleki's collection. See that in the
collections section.

Well, it's not a Cap Gun
either, but it's pretty rare and you know how I love boxes. And it's "By
 Photo by Freeman Fisher.

 This is the Marx
 Photo by Al Wilton.

it's not a Cap Gun either, but it's pretty rare and you know how I love boxes.
And it's "By Marx!!!"
 Photo by Freeman Fisher.

And here's also a
picture of a 1948 Marx G-Man wind-up machine gun
 Photo by Dave
Klahn of the Ten Gallon Hat.

Here's a rat-a-tat
Thompson machine gun by Marx.
 Photo by Dave Klahn of the Ten Gallon Hat.
 The Lone Ranger
Clicker Gun by Marx
Now here is one of the most
unusual Toy Guns that you will ever see. It is a Marx "clicker" gun. However,
you will find it in Jim Schleyer's book "Western Toy Guns."
 This one was
made in 1938. This clicker pistol is made from pressed steel, has a chrome
cylinder & a bright red jewel on the right hand side..
 Thanks Doug
Hamilton!!! |
Please Click On Each Thumbnail For An Enlarged
 All photos thanks to Doug Hamilton |

 The Thundergun
by Marx
Here is an unusual Marx gun. It
was basically a response to the popularity of the Stallion 45 in that it was a
Colt 45 Peacemaker.
 It fired roll caps and had some really superb grips for a Cap
 I hope that you folks will
remember that you too can have your favorite Cap Guns on this website. Send the
photos in, preferably in 640 x 480 resolution, and we will give you a
Please Click On Each Thumbnail For An Enlarged
View! All photos above are thanks to Harold Harris |
 And here is the
Thundergun in a shadowbox. This photo thanks to Andrew Teleki |

 Here's some caps for the
Thundergun. Thanks to Chuck Quinn for the above photos.

 Here's a really nice example
of the famous Marx Thundergun, but with the rarer buffalo grips.
 Photo thanks to
Jim Schleyer

 Well here's certainly a fine offering from Marx!
These are "Marx Miniatures" that have been framed with the Western Hero and a
miniature of their favorite shootin' iron. I especially am fond of Annie
Oakley, whose real name was Phoebe Ann Mosey. Folks, she was THE REAL THING!!!
One of the big stars in Buffalo Bill's Wild West Show. I love her
 All photos thanks to Don Raker PLEASE CLICK ON THUMBNAILS

 Roy Rogers
Winchester Rifle Model 71
This rifle is the model like
Roy's Model 71 Winchester. This cap rifle is 34 inches long.
 Another fine
offering from Don Raker. |
Please Click On Each Thumbnail For An Enlarged
 All photos thanks to Don Raker! |

these aren't rare, then I don't know Cap Guns at all. The two Johnny Yuma Rebel
(from the TV Show) scatterguns on the top are Classy and the one underneath is
by Marx with the original tag showing designer was Roy Ahlgreen, along with its
bear claw necklace & Rebel hat.
 Photo by Belinda Quan from the Chuck Quinn

 Marx Double
Barreled Shotgun
This is the Deluxe Grade Double
Barrel Shotgun by Marx. Marx made some of the finest toys in the 21st Century,
and this is one of the most realistic toys made after the real "Fine Deluxe
Grade Shotguns" that our Grandfathers and Great Grandfathers used to own and
hunt with. It is a full 35 inches long and breaks down like the real thing. It
comes complete with the original box that was inspired by and resembles the
soft leather shotgun cases used during the early 1900's.
 Photos by Rich
Hall. |
Please Click On Each Thumbnail For An Enlarged
View! |

 Trigger Trailer
Toy by Marx
Trigger had to have a trailer for his
transportation! This is for Trigger & Trigger Jr.
 Many thanks
to Jim Manning of JM Toys One of our advertisers! |

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