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 Hubley was from Lancaster, Pennsylvania and
started in 1894. The Hubley company made some of the finest Cap Guns you ever
saw. The Texans and the Cowboy were especially popular. They made guns with
nice scrollwork and some that were gold. They are still considered very
valuable collector's items. If you collect Cap Guns, then (besides Nichols
Industries Cap Guns, of course!!!) you have got to have a good collection of
 One of their most popular Cap Guns was from The Rifleman
television show starring Chuck Connors and Johnny Crawford. It had that special
cocking lever so he could really fire quickly. There are several examples in
this Hubley section.
 Then there is their fabulous Colt 45 that was a full-sized model
of the Civil War pistol. I love it!

 Here's a Hubley store rack
that is pretty doggone rare. Thanks to Dave Klahn!
 Hubley Colt
This is a remarkable gun! It is
HUGE. This Cap Gun is almost 14 inches long.
 Thanks to Frank Palma of Palma Brothers
Comics and Collectibles for this contribution! |
Some close-ups of the
 Photos on left and right, thanks to Doug
Hamilton! |
Be Sure To Click On The
Thumbnails! |
These SHARP photos
of the Army 1861 Colt 45 are furnished to us by Sean Chantler. |
The nice photo of this
Colt 45 box is from Jamie Linford. And now I own it! |

 Boxed Double
Hubley Colt 45 Set
 This double
set of 45's is about as good as it gets. Think about how old it is and then
gasp at the quality of preservation. Be sure to click on the thumbnails in
order to see bigger photos!
 Thanks to Gary Cooper for the
Be Sure To Click On The
Thumbnails! |

 This nice photo is from Judy

 Here is an
extremely rare Colt .45 outer lid from Rich Hall. Usually if you find one of
these, it was plain and not printed.

 Now here is something
you don't see every day!!! It is a MINT ON CARD (MOC) Hubley Colt .45 that has
ZERO WEAR. If you look closely (especially by clicking on the photos to see the
larger views), then you will notice that the gold cylinder DOES NOT have the
usual rub ring that is caused by the spring just under the cylinder. This is
the first one I have seen without that usual ring.
 These photos
furnished by Scott McCollum of Cap Gun Treasures.

 Nice 45 set from
 Furnished by John Iannuzzi. |

bet you've never seen a pair like this. Sure we have seen Hubley Colt 45's in
the box with the plastic lid, but with genuine cherry grips? Well, this one has
the cherry grips and GUESS WHAT? It is actually a Hubley Texan 45!!! Belinda
says that with a small variation like this, it was common that a company like
Hubley would have run out of boxes and just stuck it in a Colt 45 box.
 Then check out
the one below it. None of the marks on the cylinder. It hasn't even been fired
(dry or otherwise) once, for when you do on this Cap Gun, it leaves a mark from
the spring. See the one right above it and the others. And then I must mention
how rare this gun is mint on the card! Photo by Belinda Quan from the Chuck
Quinn collection.

LOVERS! This is a special (from the factory) Colt 45 set in a
cherrywood presentation case with cherry grips! 100% of this is original and
dead mint. Very Special! Please notice that unlike the regular production
model, the cylinder is not gold. And if you had the ability to look very
closely, like I did on the largest photo I received, then you would notice that
it looked like it had only been dry-fired about 2-3 times, just to make sure it
worked, because it had almost ZERO rubbing around the cylinder where that
spring rubs up against it. You can usually tell how much one of these Cap Guns
has been played with by noticing where that ring on the cylinder has rubbed.
You find one that has zero rubbing and you buy it.
 Photo by Belinda
Quan from the Chuck Quinn collection.

 This Hubley Colt 45 Cap Gun with custom
Rattlesnake Grips is a replica of the Colt that Clint Eastwood used in the
1960s Western "The Good, the Bad and the Ugly." This is a beautiful Colt with
Canadian maroon grips featuring a silver coiled rattlesnake.
 Photo by Scott
McCollum of Cap Gun Treasures.

 And here's an extra Hubley bullet clip for
the Colt 45.

 Here's a Hubley Colt 45 Bullet
Clip with the Compass. This is extremely rare. Just to find one on the card is
rare, much less with a compass.

 Here's a whole dealer's display pack of
these bullets with compass. Thanks to John Iannuzzi.

 Here is a wonderful
close-up of the famous Hubley Colt 45 in the RARE gold finish with the cherry
wood grips. Nothing like having such wonderful Cap Guns, huh? I just can't
imagine what this one is worth. Nice photo. Notice that this doesn't have a
shiny ring around the cylinder from that spring. I didn't touch the photo up
one bit, except to adjust for shadows. and a touch on autocolor. Love this
 This photo by Steve Arlin.

 Here are some custom
Hubley Colt-45s. The quality is immaculate and as usual I don't have this
set. Ed does.
 Photo by Ed DeVries (click on photo to see bigger

 Hubley Texan
Here is a variation on the Cap
Gun listed above. And how's this for a lot of high quality photos? Learn from
this man's dedication to quality Cap Gun photos!
 According to
Schleyer's Western Toy Guns (Backyard Buckaroos) book this gun was a
special order gun to commemorate the 125th anniversary of Texas. The gun seems
to differ from the regular Colt 45 by Hubley in that the cylinder seems to have
a smoother finish.
 I personally think that if you start collecting Cap Guns, and
this happens to be your first item, then you will probably be hooked for life.
I just can't think of enough nice things to say about this gun. It is a beauty
and makes us long for the days when companies actually made quality toys.
When/Where did we go wrong?
 Thanks to Don Raker for the
 Send in your prize
photographs and some text about them (and of course your name, so I can give
you proper credit) and I just might list your favorite Cap Gun too! |
Be Sure To Click On The
Thumbnails! |

 These two photos of a MINT
Texan 45 are so good that I just had to put them on here. If you will notice
the right side of the gun's photo, which seems clearer, you will notice that
you don't see a pronounced "Rub Ring" like you normally see on this series of
Cap Guns. This makes it all the more valuable, because it means that is
probably hasn't even been fired. Very hard to find in this condition.
 Thanks to Dave
Klahn of The Ten Gallon Hat.

 Hubley Model
1860 Cal .44
 This gun came completely unfinished and
the purchaser was supposed to put it together and paint it in whatever style
they thought proper. Don has one and painted it in the style of that day. The
day being the 100th Anniversary of the Civil War. If you can find one with the
original box, it is even more valuable.
 Thanks to Roger Stanley for the
Be Sure To Click On The
Thumbnails! |

 And here's the box for the
Colt .44 Kit. (frontendplaque) I bet many of you have never seen
this one.
 Thanks to Scott McCollum.

 Here's a great
composite shot showing the difference between the two Cap Guns. Photo by
Bill Zide

 Hubley Model
1860 Cal .44 (Antiqued!)
 Here's a great looking Hubley Colt .44
that has been antiqued by Jim Quick. Lots of work here!!!
 Thanks to Don
Raker for the photos.
Be Sure To Click On The
Thumbnails! |

 And here's a couple of
Hubley Colt 45's that have been repainted to look like the original
guns! Photo by Ed DeVries

 Miniature 44 by Hubley
 Scale View |
 Close-Up |
 Gun & Box |
Be Sure
To Click On The Thumbnails!
 All Photos
Thanks To Doug Hamilton |

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