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 Another proud collection from California, a
friend of Chuck Quinn's: Ernie Brown. Glad to have you aboard! |
or call him at: (209)679-0727 (cell
phone). |
If you want your Cap Gun collection featured,
then please send your photos to:


 Here's the set mounted on
the wall right above the previous set.

 Another nice set of Texans in a fancy double holster

 A nice row of the famous Schmidt Cap Guns. And
more knives and pin-up lighters and, of course, more chrome

 When Ernie sent me this photo, it had the word,
"Tomato" in it and I assume that is from the color of the grips of some of
these fine Kenton Gene Autry Cap Guns. Not a cheap group!

 More "Tomatoes" from Kenton. But you can see that there are
several different barrel lengths and different scrollwork.

 Some more of his Kenton Gene Autry "Tomato" collection hanging on
the wall.

 Here's a fantastic Dale Evans set from George
Schmidt. I just can't believe this one. As I have said before, anything that is
dedicated to the "Queen of the West" is always going to be valuable, as there
just aren't enough of them to go around.

 Here's a Roy Rogers "equivalent" set like the DE set above, but
with two Kilgore Roy Rogers Long Toms thrown in for good measure. And I guess
if your aim wasn't good enough with the guns, then you could always stab the
bad guys. Strange thing, though. When I was a kid, nearly every kid carried a
pocket knife, but we never even thought of actually using them on a human
being. That was.........well, it was just TOTALLY OUT OF THE QUESTION. My how
times have changed. And it seems that the times get worse the more we restrict
our kids from playing with fun toys like these.

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