
 There are so many Cast Iron
Cap Guns that I have no clue as to where to start or where to end. Before it
all got sorted out, there were dozens of companies making them, mostly after
the American Civil War. Reason? Because (for real guns) the percussion cap had
recently been invented. Some smart person added two plus two and realized that
he could make a buck with toys that fired a very small powder charge and scared
the bejeebers out of Aunt Mabel.
 Stevens was the leader of course, but there were
dozens of other companies. I'm going to list the Cast Iron guns made by the
major companies under their own respective standard listings, but I'm going to
list all of the "incidentals" in this section. I may get "burned out" in doing
it, but I figured that there are a bunch of you out there who really love
 Don't get in too much of a hurry to see
absolutely every one ever made. For one thing, I only put photos on here from
people like you and also I'm in no hurry as the list seems
endless. |
 Cast Iron - Terror by Dent T13.2.5 1915. Rare Three Star cap gun.
Single Shot, Single Action, Auto. 6-3/4 inches long.
 Photo thanks to
Rich Hall

 How's this for a politically
incorrect gun. But then, we don't care about political correctness. They made
some strange guns in those days. One of them was a man kicking a Chinese man.
But times were rought and awful in some cases. And better in some. That's life
and it isn't fair.
 Photo by Rich Hall

 Rare, Unusual, Very Hard-To-Find, & Very Desirable three
star*** Single Shot Derringer Cap Gun. 3-3/4 inches long. Unknown maker.

Photo by Rich Hall

 Almost the same identical
gunprobably by the same unknown maker. Cast Iron - OK Single Shot
Derringer Cap Gun. Made in 1890
 Photo by Rich Hall

 1930 Dent Buddy. This little gun measures 3-1/2"
long. Listed in Logan and Best, page 22, B40.3.1. Single shot, single action,
revolver type pistol that uses Mammoth caps. Markings include D on both sides
and word BUDDY at the bottom of grips on each side.
 Photo by Sara


Six Three Rotating Cylinder Cap Gun by Dent 1935
Extremely Rare, Unusual, Very Hard-To-Find, & Very Desirable four star****
Rotating Cylinder Cap Gun. 6 inches long.
 Photos thanks to Rich Hall

 Cast Iron - Snappy by Dent S27.1 1930
This is
about as nice an example of the Snappy as you will ever see.
 Photos thanks to
Rich Hall

 1925 National Bunker Hill. Measures 5-1/4" long. Listed in Logan
and Best's book, Cast Iron Toy Guns and Capshooters, page 27, B49.1. They rate
it a 1-Star* Rarity. Single shot, single action, revolver type pistol that uses
Mammoth caps. Markings include N in a circle on both sides, BUNKER HILL on left
side of barrel, and MADE IN USA on left side of frame.
 Photo by Sara

 Demon. English made and the
maker is unknown. 7-1/2 inches long. 1891.
 Photo by Rich Hall

 UNXLD Single Shot Derringer Cap Gun 1880
unusual, very hard-to-find, & very desirable three star single shot
derringer Cap Gun. This is by an unknown maker. 4-1/2 inches long. Marvelous
 Photos thanks to Rich Hall

 1922 National Old Ironsides.
Long barrel guns that measures 10 1/2" long. Listed in Logan and Best's book,
Cast Iron Toy Guns and Capshooters, page 107, O8.1. A single shot, single
action, revolver type pistol that uses Mammoth caps. Markings include OLD
IRONSIDES on left side of barrel and MADE IN U.S.A. on left frame. Also has an
N in a circle on both sides.
 Photo by Sara King

 Cast Iron - Daisy**** Single Shot Derringer Cap
Gun. 3 inches long by Unknown Maker D2.2.2 1887
 Photo by Rich

 Corporal by Ideal
Cast Iron
- Corporal**** Single Shot Revolver Style Cap Gun by Ideal C23.2.1 1910.
Single Shot Revolver style Cap Gun. 8-7/8 inches long.
 Photos thanks to
Rich Hall

 Cast Iron - Hero**** Single Shot Derringer Cap Gun by Ives
H8.1 1890. Single Shot Derringer Cap Gun. 3-3/4 inches long.
 Photo by Rich

 1915 National
A 1915
National This cap gun measures 4-1/4" long and is made by National. Located on
page 98 of Logan and Best Book, N2.7. It is a 2-Star** rarity. Type: MS, DA,
ROLL, AUTO Other markings include MADE IN USA and on the inside of the grip PAT
8-28-09. There is a nice feel in this heavy duty type cap gun!
 Photos thanks to
Sara King

 Cast Iron - Bang No.72 Single Shot Derringer Cap Gun by
Unknown Maker 1878
Unusual, Very Hard-To-Find, & Very Desirable four star**** Single Shot
Derringer Cap Gun. 3-1/2 inches long.
 Photos thanks to Rich Hall

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