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Mike Nichols
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Here is one of the finest small collections that I have seen in awhile. Bob and Pat DeFeis.

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(in Uncle Talley's order)


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Nice rifles.

A Hubley Collection!

On the right, some rare box sets of Derringers, one Nichols, one Lone Star. Above that, Roy Rogers Quick Shooter hat. There's a pile of spurs and boxes on the left.

Here's a different angle on the same group. The really funny thing is that on this Nichols Heirloom Dueling set of Derringers, the box and the bullets are worth about 6 times as much as the 2 Derringers put together. I personally think this is the only example in the Cap Gun world, where the little accessories are worth more (with the box in this case) that the whole kit'n-caboodle of what's left. Those Nichols 3-piece bullets sometimes bring up to $50 apiece. And that's plain nuts! Send me yours...PLEASE!!!

Thanks For The Offering Bob and Pat!

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