
 Actoy seemed to make a lot of Lone Ranger Cap
Guns. However, it is hard to tell very much about Lone Ranger guns, as there
don't seem to be a lot out there on the market. Therefore, I think they are
probably pretty good investments. They also made Wyatt Earp guns.
 Actoy can also
be found (when listed) as Esquire, as I think they are one and the same
company. However, you will find different names, so maybe they merged later.
Jamie Linford says that he thinks Esquire is the parent company.


 While most of the Wanted
Dead or Alive TV show rifles were made by Marx and are called the "Mare's
Laig," this one was made by Actoy and is quite a fine example. It is very
valuable. In this set we also have a nice holster with the fast-draw clip so
that Josh Randall could shoot the bad guys in a hurry. You do know that it was
"Kill or Be Killed," don't you?
 This photo by Jim's Vintage Toys.

 Here's a gun you seldom see.
An Actoy 250. It is a 250 shot with very beautiful unique grips.
 This photo by
Steve Arlin.

 Actoy Buckeroo
thanks to Doug Linzer |

 The Restless Gun By Actoy
 Right Side |
 Left Side |
thanks to Don Callies |

 More photos of the Actoy
Restless Gun 38. If you will click on the above photo, you will see 7 more
photos with explanations
 This photo by Rich Hall.

 And again, here are
some more of Chuck Quinn's collection, this time the GOLD RESTLESS GUN by
Actoy. I can't even imagine what this is worth. Probably more than my entire
 Thanks to Belinda Quan for these photos.

 And another
rare version chalked up for Steve. The Bronze version of the Restless Gun by
 Photos thanks to Steve Arlin.

 Here's a nice double holster
set with box from the TV show with Vint Bonner
 This photo by
Scott McCollum

 A Different
Restless Gun by Actoy
Here is another version of the
Restless Gun by Actoy. It certainly wasn't unusual for one of the Cap Gun
companies to make several versions of the same gun.
 This gun was a
break-down repeater. You might notice the similarities between this version and
the Rin-Tin-Tin version below! |
Please Click On Each Thumbnail For An Enlarged
View! |

 Here is
(yet) another version of The Restless Gun with an extended barrel. You can see
it disassembled if you CLICK on this
photo. Thanks to Jim Mair of Jim's Vintage Toys for the
 Here is the same gun, with the extensionbut with a matching
holster! The little loop under the bullets of the holster is for the stock that
would turn this Cap Gun into a rifle. That part is very rare! Thanks to
Scott McCollum for the photo!

 Esquire / Actoy
Restless Gun Set NMIB
This is one heckuva rare
combination set. What I don't understand is why it isn't more expensive. It
might be because the Actoy/Esquire line of Cap Guns isn't the most popular of
lines. But this is an amazing rig!

All photos thanks to Rich Hall. Be Sure To
Click On The Thumbnails! |

 Actoy Tales of
Wells Fargo MIB Set
Though this gun is a take-off
of the Restless Gun up above, it is one of the hardest to find. A real
treasure, especially being Mint In The Box!

All photos thanks to Rich Hall. Be Sure To
Click On The Thumbnails! |

 Rin Tin Tin Cap Gun by Actoy
probably have to be over 50 years old to remember Rin Tin Tin on TV. But he was
a German Shepherd that was part of Fort Apache. He saved a lot of lives. We're
going to miss him. For the true story of Rin-Tin-Tin, who was a real dog who
was a hero during World War One, see:
 Above Photos
Thanks To Rex Casner
Sure To Click On The Thumbnails! |
The 4
above photos show the same gun, but give you a different perspective and are
good close-ups. The finish is really the same, but the lighting gives the
impression that it came in another color. Lighting is very tricky! It's still
the basic bronze.
 Above Photos Thanks To Joe B.
 Be Sure To Click On The
Thumbnails! |

 Unusual Grips for Rin Tin Tin
thanks to Bob DeFeis |

 Here's the standard Rin Tin
Tin box from Chuck Quinn's collection. Photo by Belinda Quan

 Here's the rare Rin Tin Tin
Cap Gun still mint on the card!
 This photo by Jim's Vintage Toys.

 The Rin Tin Tin
Buntline Special by Actoy
This is obviously another one
of those knock-offs by the original manufacturer. It is a copy of the above
Wyatt Earp Buntline Special, but it is still a Rin Tin Tin Buntline Special.
Actually it is more rare than the Wyatt Earp version, so it is really necessary
if you are going to have a complete Actoy collection.
 These photos
are by my bud, Doug Hamilton. |
Please Click On Each Thumbnail For An Enlarged
 All of the above photos thanks to Peter Adam |

 Complete Rin Tin
Tin Set
This is a rather complete set
for Rin Tin Tin and Rusty. I not includes a gun and holster, but also a canteen
and ammo pouch.

Please Click On Each Thumbnail For An Enlarged
 All photos thanks to John Coatney |
 Esquire / Actoy
Pony Boy Double Set
This Ought To Get Your Attention!
 Okay, so Mike
has lost his mind? Well, I have to admit it. Yes. When I saw the number and
quality of these photos from our Cap Gun Pal, Doug Hamilton, I sort of "lost
it." But since this is an Esquire Set, but Actoy guns, I decided to go ahead
and put it on the Actoy Page too.
 So, don't send any more Pony Boy
 Besides, it's highly doubtful if you will EVER see a more
beautiful set than this! This one just tops the charts.
 It's not an
extremely rare Cap Gun, but finding one (make that TWO!) Pony Boys in a
PERFECT double holster set and a perfect box...well, it's not likely to happen
again in your lifetime, nor mine. So, I drooled at the chance to publish these
and gobbled them up! Many more nice sets like this and I'm going to have to buy
another hard drive.
 All I hope is that the world properly appreciates the effort
some people have gone to in order to preserve these pieces of our history. If I
had gone to the same amount of trouble, considering my family name, then I
would be RICH by now! |
All photos thanks to Doug Hamilton Be Sure
To Click On The Thumbnails! |

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