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 Here are more photos of the fabulous Rich Hall
Cap Gun collection. |
or call him at: 260-627-0584. And be sure to
visit his website at:
http://www.NicholsCapGuns.com/toys |
If you want your Cap Gun collection featured,
then please send your photos to:


 Oh, just another rare Cap Gun
and box. Do notice that this Stallion 38 came with a DYNA-MITE in its clip. One
of these can be seen on the Stallion 38 page.

 Here's a nice wall display that Rich has in his house. Notice the
holsters in this photo with the barrel extensions for a Restless Gun type of
Cap Gun. Rich has a bunch of this unusual type of Cap Gun where you can screw
on a barrel extension and it virtually becomes a rifle.

 And yet another with some fine gloves and studded holsters. I am
hoping that Rich will send me more textual information for these

 And still more!

 And now it's rifles! Jim Manning, do you see this?

 Hello Trigger! Hanging from Tigger's horseshoes is a nice Nichols
Stallion Model 300 Saddle Gun. While there were better rifles on the market,
this one still holds a high valueespecially if it is in mint condition
with the box and the bullet clip that you could send off for. Naturally I have
one. :-)

 Lasso 'em Bill, Gene and Hoppy memorabilia.
It's plumb amazing how many Hoppy sets and boxes there are out there and yet
how much they still fetch in prices! Talk about a good

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