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Mike Nichols
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Bill Hamburg is another one of those people whose collection seems to just go on and on. And, as you will see, he also collects a lot of other toys!
If you want your Cap Gun collection featured, then please send your photos to:

(in Uncle Talley's order)


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Here's a different angle of that Minute Man rifle and also the various action figures and a few Cap Guns.

Some nice Nichols stuff mixed in with the enemy's ray gun (Hubley). That doggone ray gun always fetches top dollar—especially if it's mint in the box.

Looks like a Grizzly and various other Cap Guns. Bill has so many he has to stack things up.

I hope somebody will explain a little about that gold Hubley box and what's supposed to be inside.

A slightly different angle of this case so you can see more of the guns.

I see a bunch of Nichols Mustang 500's and some Pasadena Stallion 45's. Some people mistakenly call it a Mark-I but it is just a Nichols Stallion 45 from Pasadena. Only the Jacksonville 2nd model has a "Mark" designation.

Bill's box collection is probably worth more than most people's gun collections.

More and more...

Some serious values here.

Are we looking at Fargo Expresses?

Nope! It's a Kilgore American that has a sticker on it that says that it doesn't shoot caps. What good is a Cap Gun that doesn't shoot caps?

Cars and a few heroes.

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