
 The book, A Brief History of Nichols
Industries, Inc. AND ITS TOY GUNS would indicate that the Spit-Fire was the
first rifle produced by Nichols Industries. Actually it was produced in the
same year as the Stallion 300 Saddle Gun, 1958. Both are (sort of) replicas of
the Winchester 30-30, The Gun That Won The West.

Versions of the Spit-Fire

 The Spit-Fire Cap Cartridge Loading Hip Gun With Clip. This
complete set is just a little more rare. The little clip goes over your belt.
Both the gun and the bullets (obviously) are for right-handed people and are
angled so that you can draw them more quickly. This is a single shot, so we
bought some Stallion Round Caps.


 Here is my Uncle Talley
signing a Spit-Fire box that was owned by Jamie Linford. Uncle Talley would
sign anything you asked him to and never charged anything for it. He always
considered it a privilege. Now if I had just had the sense that Jamie had and
had had him sign lots of things for me too!
 Photo by Jamie Linford

It is only fitting that the first rifle Nichols
produced would be for the little ones, as Uncle Talley was always thinking of
the little cowboys and cowgirls. When this gun first came out, it was very
popular—especially with yours truly. I don't think that anybody had ever
quite seen anything like this before. So we just had to have one.
 Fortunately the
gun, by itself, only sold for 98 CENTS. Sounds cheap doesn't it? Well, in 1958
$ .98 was 4 weeks' allowance for me, maybe less for you. In those days you
could go down to A & W Root Beer and get a cold one in a frosty mug for 5
cents. If you were feeling flush you could get a big one for 10 cents. You
could play a round of miniature golf for 10 cents. (Tyler, Texas) So, that
being said, we STILL saved up and bought one.
 The true
testament to how well these sold and how well they were built is how many are
still in BIG KIDS' hands today. You will find them on the internet at auction
almost as often as the Dyna-Mite.
 When you cocked the lever, the chamber would slide
out, pushing the hammer back (early models). It was single action only. Put the
handle back to its original location and you were ready to shoot. You had to
make it count because you only had one shot. Later in the year the Stallion 300
Saddle Gun alleviated that firepower shortage and once again Nichols was on
 A close-up
of the Spitfire showing its action in play. The chamber would push the hammer
back and it was cocked. The bullet didn't fly out when you did this, and this
was also the way to load the gun.  Click For Larger
View |
Industries Spit-Fire & Holster
 Gun & Scabbard |
 A great fit! |
 Ruff "n Ready |
 Another angle |
Please Click On Each Thumbnail For An Enlarged
View! Many thanks to Jim Turner for these photos! |
 Here is a really neat
Spit-Fire holster photo furnished to us by Dayle Moyer! It is the McKinnon
Company, He says that he believes they were in New York, not sure. They also
made single and double holsters for many Cap Guns.

Versions of the Spit-Fire

 The same gun as above, but taken out of the
holster in order to show it all.


this for a rarity? A copper-plated Nichols Spit-Fire. Not many of these
 Photo thanks to Robert Nichols


seldom see a Spit-Fire without the forestock! This is a late model that is more
representative of the Kusan/Nichols days. I don't see "Spit-Fire" on the right
side of this rifle, do you?
 Photo thanks to Robert Nichols


here is a contribution sent in of a non-forestock Spit-Fire that is
blued! Photo thanks to Herb Taylor


is a rather rare version of the Spit-Fire that is blued and has dark walnut
furniture. The lever, hammer, forestock clip, trigger and Circle "N" are also
 Photo thanks to Jim Turner

 And here's one
with the same holster as one above, but the furniture is turquoise. Our friend
Dayle Moyer said he took it to Ben Graves (read: expert) and Ben said it looked
authentic to him. I'm satisfied. |

 Here is a
phenominal set of Spit-Fires and Spit-Fire imitations from our friend Dayle
Moyer. My guess is that Dayle has more examples than anybody. Be sure to click
on this "thumbnail" to see a really big photo of the same.

 Here's a nice
photo sent in by Robert Maiers who says, "I have two Nichols cap guns that my
father received in the 1960's when he was a toy distributor selling Nichols cap
guns. One is a Dyna-Mite derringer the other is a Spit-Fire. Both are gold in
color and are in custom-made walnut cases. I think these were some sort of
commemorative edition that was given out to distributors." (You're right

 This is one of the later
models of the Spit-Fire that doesn't have the forestock. (with
 Photo courtesy of Louise Utley

 Obviously the Spit-Fire
on top is a regular production Spit-Fire, but the one on the bottom is one that
is made completely out of plastic. No metal parts. That's about as "dumbed
down" as you can get. Richard says there is no "N" in the circle and so
apparently doesn't know who made it. He says it is not quite the same size. I
had never seen one before. How does he find these things? Maybe he stole it out
of the Smithsonian.
 Photo courtesy of Richard Strom of Jacksonville,
Texas Richard has one of the finest Nichols collections there is. Lots of
really unusual things I didn't know about.


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