
 When he was a little kid Tom played Cowboys and
Indians and Cops and Robbers just like every other little kid in town. But some
little kids never outgrew their love for the Old West and Good versus Evil. And
now he collects Cap Guns and remember the "Good Old Days."
 He is also
an excellent writer and has written a good short story for our website that you
can read if you CLICK HERE! |
If you want your Cap Gun collection featured,
then please send your photos to:



 When collecting Cap Guns, some people forget
rifles. Tom didn't. Some nice BB Guns too! The pum was MINE!!! It was powerful
and accurate.

 Some serious shootin' irons here! These are so
popular even I can identify most. Starting from the top left: Hubley Colt 45,
Nichols Derringer, Nichols Pasadena Stallion 45, Mattel Shootin Shell 45,
Nichols Stallion 45 MK-II, Nichols Stallion 32, Nichols Stallion 38, Kilgore
Long Tom (!), Nichols Stallion Model 61 in chrome, ???, Kilgore American,
Kenton Western ?, Hubley Texan?, badge, Kilgore Big Horn, Schmidt ???, Hubley
early Cowboy, Nichols Paint, and a bunch of other stuff. Notice the Nichols
Stallion Model 300 Saddle Gun bullet clip? That little item is worth a pile of

 The rifle pictured is a Mint Daisy cork ball rifle complete with
cork balls and instruction literature. And extra ammo! Never go to war without
enough ammo.

 Lots is neat toys here.
And a nasty old WI-FI modem. I like the Nichols Stallion Model 300 Saddle Gun
hanging on the rack. Two below that is the Mattel Colt Shootin Shell Six
Shooter Cap Gun Rifle that is pictured in our Mattel section. The Lone Ranger
is guarding over all.

 A nice bunch of old cast-iron pre-World War II guns. Now these I
don't know.

 I need some cases like
this myself. These are mostly cast-iron weapons too. Some rare

 Still a

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