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 Jamie Linford primarily collects Nichols Cap
Guns, but also has an eye out for nearly anything of high quality and worth. He
is also one of the people who helped me get this website started and without
his tutelage, I probably would have failed miserably. Therefore I really thank
him! You can contact Jamie at: |
If you want your Cap Gun collection featured,
then please send your photos to:


 Here's a great Mattel
selection from Jamie.

 Besides the wonderful
Stallion 45 store display here, this photo answers one question: Yes, the
Aquacar did come in both color combinations and apparently neither variation
was particularly rare. Except for the car itself being pretty rare these

 Although this looks like the
store display rack above, it is actually the Display Rack for the Stallion 38,
which is even more rare. This photo also shows that doggone Super Sling Shot
that Jamie beat me out of on eBay. I just couldn't believe that ANYBODY else in
the whole world knew that it was rare except me. And so I lost it. Like Paul
McCartney realizing later that he should have outbid Michael Jackson for HIS
OWN SONGS!!! But I'm not a socialist and perhaps Jamie will find another one
and sell me one!

 Goodness, would you look at
these. Lone Star Cap Guns by the millions...or at least quite a few. And BLUES.
Now there's a company that never minded copying somebody else's great

 Jamie is one of the great Nichols collectors in
the world. A photo like this can easily prove it. Those "shadow box" cap guns
were produced during the Kusan days at Nichols. But look at that G-32. Jamie
shrink-wraps all of his boxes so they will last forever. Nice 2-piece Pasadena
45 Box and Stallion. I'd rather have the box than the Stallion. I can always
find a gun.

 Be still my heart! There is more value in this
photo than an amateur collector can possibly imagine. That Gold Pinto in its
belt scabbard is worth a ton, then the Gold Stallion Model 61 is worth a lot
more and the G-45 is worth as much as anything. And if that isn't enough for
you, then there is a Gold Dyna-Mite hiding over at the right. And a few other
expensive odds and ends.

 Here is a shot farther to
the right of the previous photo and it shows a pretty good close-up of the
G-32. The small gun that is in front of the Stallions is a single shot
miniature 45 made by Hubley.

 In this revolving vertical display we have a lot of the smaller
MOC (Mint on Card) examples. I'm getting on the verge of envy. I would like to
have the counter. Must have gotten it from a jewelry store.

 Same rack, another angle.

 3rd angle.

 Do any of
you folks (except the Steve Arlin, Chuck Quinn and Rich Hall types actually
realize what you are seeing here? For their size, these are two of the most
expensive and rare little sets in the world. I would almost trade half of my
small collection for them. And I have a full Nichols Basic Set. (not MINT
obviously) The packet on the left I have never seen before and the one on the
right, if put on eBay would fetch a small fortune. Where in the world did that
box on the left come from? I have never ONCE seen it before or even heard it
mentioned. I'm definitely going to have to get adopted by Jamie! I have even
saved the larger size of this photo, so click on this one and you will see it
even larger.

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