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Mike Nichols
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More of the Don Raker Collection.
If you want your Cap Gun collection featured, then please send your photos to:

(in Uncle Talley's order)


Don with a dangerous look in his eye. He was a little younger in this photo.

The following are some new photos of Don's Cap Gun Room—redone! Pretty fancy.
Click on the smaller photos to see larger photos.

The rest of these photos are close-ups of his various guns and toys.

Here's a teaser showing the wall and the oncoming onslaught of Wester motif and Cap Guns galore.

Further down the wall.

Hubley galore!

I guess if Don ever runs out of shotgun shells, then he can always look in the Cap Gun showcases. He uses them to prop up the guns. It looks to me as though he has run out of room. Oh what a terrible problem. Why can't I have that problem?

Man o Man! What a pile of Kilgore Cap Guns. And we just managed to catch a glimpse of Don's knobby knees in the reflection from the glass too!

More Hubley Cap Guns and what looks like a couple of other brands. On the right are the Hubley Colt 45's, one of my personal favorites.

And, of course, MY PERSONAL FAVORITES, the Nichols Cap Guns! I think it's a crying shame that he has a whole lot more Nichols Cap Guns than I do and so I'm going to try and adjust that fact.

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