
 Carnell Cap Guns are not very common. I've had a
nice set of photos sent to meright out of the blue. I have also found (so
far) one gun that says on the card that it was attached to, "Carnell Roundup -
Carnell Manufacturing Co. Inc. Brooklyn, N.Y. - Notch Bar Handle - You notch
the special bar with a file every time you beat the draw. Plus! Extra set of
 I am hoping that I can get some more photos of Carnell


 Carnell Roundup
Tim says that this Carnell
Roundup Rifle came with the Rawhide sets.
 Photos thanks to Tim Tobin |
Be Sure To Click On The
Thumbnails! |

 Here's a simple gun
that you don't see every day! A Carnell Derringer. Of course the Derringer is
one of the most recurring themes (for a gun) in all of Cap Guns, as it seems
that almost every major company had to make at least one, but you certainly
almost NEVER see the one from Carnell. This one looks very much like the
Nichols Dyna-Mite, but Uncle Talley never claimed that he designed the
Derringer, merely that he had a good idea and put a bullet in it so that it
would fire. And it sold! Boy, oh boy did it sell. Over 4 million! I believe
that the Dyna-Mite looks more like this one that any other.
 Photo by Robbie
Fleming. Thanks Robbie!

 Here Carnell used a Nichols
Dyna-Mite (Kusan years) to distribute their unusual version.
 Photo by Jim

 How's this for one heckuva
weird set? It has 2 completely different types of Cap Gun set in one! The first
one is a Carnell Roundup Cowboy Outfit and the second one is a Dragnet (badge
714) set from the old TV show starring Jack Webb. "Just the facts
 Thanks to Jim Mair for the above photo.

 This is another version of the "Roundup"
series and is a big box because it contained a double holster set.
 Thanks to Scott
McCollum of Cap Gun Treasures.

 The top set (with
the original receipt) is from the hit TV show on NBC of Laramie. The
bottom Carnell set is from Sundance starring Earl Holliman. Photo by
Belinda Quan from the Chuck Quinn collection.

 I couldn't help but
put these Bat Masterson Cap Guns on here when Belinda sent them. The chrome one
is valuable, but the gold one.......well, just try and purchase one! And the
box? !!! These are the short-barreled versions.
 Thanks to
Belinda Quan for these photos.

 And Belinda and Jim have
the RARE long barreled Bat Masterson version.
 Thanks to Belinda Quan for these photos.

 Carnell Bat
Masterson Cap Gun
Normally I don't put up TEN
photos of a Cap Gun, but on this occasion, there was just so much material
submitted by good old Doug!
 So, I abandoned all sense of reason and put
them up anyway.
 This is one heck of a rare (and fine) Cap Gun presented by Mr.
Doug Hamilton of California. |
All photos thanks to Doug Hamilton Be Sure
To Click On The Thumbnails! |

 Click on this collage of
box photos to see them up close and personal. All photos contributed by Doug
Whiteman. |

 Bat Masterson

Bat Masterson was reputed to be a serious
gentleman, so here is his cane. I'm not quite sure it is a Carnell, but I am
sure that one of you will tell me. Thanks Don Raker for these photos! Click to See larger
Images |

 Here's a nifty
collection of Maverick gun Mint On Card (MOC). From left to right:
Leslie-Henry, Leslie-Henry for Halco, Carnell (probably still by Leslie-Henry),
and a Halco Derringer on a Nichols-style belt clip.
 Photo by Belinda
Quan from the Chuck Quinn collection.

 This is a set of Lone
Star Maverick Cap Guns, imported from England for Carnell and it is a really
nice set. The holster is dead mint. Photo by Rich Hall of Cap Gun

Bunt-Line Special Set
This is a rare set in which
Carnell imported the guns from Lone Star. They are very much like the ones
above in the Maverick set. The holster is plain beautiful and is very much like
my dad's on the homepage of this website.

 Thanks to Rich Hall |
All photos thanks to Rich Hall Be Sure To
Click On The Thumbnails! |

 Above and Below! A rare
Gray Ghost set from Carnell. The Cap Gun is a Hubley Pioneer that came with the
set. This set was also released by Lone Star, but with a matching Cap
 Photos by Scott McCollum.


 Carnell Mfg. Co.
Maverick Gun

Thank you so much Willy Henson for these
photos! |

 Carnell Cap
Here is a rather unusual
Carnell Cap Gun. It is almost the same as the one above, but if you will look,
you will find some differences. For one thing, there is a lot of scrollwork on
the barrel. For another thing, you don't own one. (ha!) Or at least, you
probably don't own one. It's pretty rare.

 Thanks to Bill Zide. |
All photos thanks to Bill Zide Be Sure To
Click On The Thumbnails! |

Gunslinger-Style Holster Set
Carnell made some of the finest
holster set (along with Keyston Brothers) back in "The Good Old Days."
 This particular
set fits guns about the size of the Nichols Stallion 38.
 Thanks to
Turner for this contribution! |
Be Sure To Click On The
Thumbnails! |
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