
 BCM was an English company that many people
(including me!) have gotten confused with Lone Star. But they were a separate
company and did make some really fine Cap Guns. BCM Co. was registered as the
Outlaw Co., thus the Outlaw series of guns.
 Here is a short excerpt from a personal
letter received by Steve Arlin on the subject.
 The BCM Co
(Derby) Ltd was registered as a company on 04 - 12 - 1948 it was Private
Limited with share capital and Registered No. 00461956. The company started
trading as Aluminium Die casters in a small run - down factory in Drewry Lane,
Derby. The Factory was in a large yard surrounded by about 16 large lock - up
garages which eventually became the warehouses, the factory itself had
previously been owned by the Derby Alabaster and Spar company. BCM was the
surname initials of the three founder owner/directors. Richard Brown, Harry
Duncan Campbell and H. Stanley Munton. In 1963 Mr. Brown decided to part
company with his fellow directors leaving them as equal partners. Mr. Munton
left a few years later leaving Mr. Campbell in sole ownership. In 1975, BCM was
taken over by a company called Morris Vulcan from Solihull in the West
Midlands. They were known for roller skates and skate boards although BCM
ceased trading in 1986 because the fall in demand for guns was so great and
work was transferred to the Morris Vulcan Group's Pershore factory. Here they
carried on trading until they closed their facility in the West Midlands in
1989. On 30. 09. 86 the B C M Co. (DERBY) LTD Trading Address Goodsmoor Road,
Sunnyhill, Derby, DE23 7NJ. was struck off the register under 652 of the
Companies Act 1985 and dissolved by notice in the London
Gazette. |

 The Snub Nose
Agent with FBI Jr. Holster
Here is an English version of
what the American FBI should be carrying I guess.
 Photos are
thanks to Rich Hall. |
Please Click On Each Thumbnail For An Enlarged
View! |

 Space Outlaw
Atomic Space-Gun
This is one of the rarest
offering for BCM that we are showing. The space craze took over starting in
about 1958 and never completely let up. This is part of the BCM "Outlaw"
series, but I don't know why.
All photos thanks to Rich Hall Be Sure To
Click On The Thumbnails! |

 Here are a couple of
Derringers made by BCM and Crescent. The one on the top is a "Pepperbox." The
one on the bottom actually has a small cylinder and is called the "Cloverleaf."
The Pepperbox is made by BCM, but the Cloverleaf is by Crescent.

 You can barely read it, but it says, (in script)

 Here is the front of the Pepperbox,
showing that it has four barrels.
 All of the above photos thanks to Steve
 Click on the thumbnails for larger photos!

 BCM Gold Buntline Special
Some people
would advise, "Always go for the gold." Steve does it a lot! And here is the
BCM Gold Buntline Special. Quite a bit different from the Actoy/Esquire
Buntline Special. And more valuable.
 Photos thanks to Steve Arlin.
 You Will Miss
Out If You Don't Click On The Thumbnails! |

 This 10-inch BCM Cap Gun
is a Roy Rogers gun and is similar to the Hubley Cowboy. It features a
magnificent Chief's Head Grip and also resembles the Leslie-Henry .44 in its
approach to the cylinder area. Photo by Chuck Quinn

 This is the same gun as
above, but is the more rare gold plated version. Photo by Chuck

 And the
famous BCM Buntline Special in Black. TWO no less!
 Presented by
Scott McCollum

 Here's another version of BCM Buntline Specials in chrome and red
 Presented by Chuck Quinn

 BCM Frontier
This Cap Gun is, for all
practical purposes, the same gun as the Roy Rogers above. It is just labeled,
 Photos thanks to David Denton. |
Please Click On Each Thumbnail For An Enlarged
View! |

 Here is a
magnificent "The Outlaw" Automatic Presentation Set from BCM. I've never seen
one of these before!
 Photo thanks to Delia Fletcher.

 The Outlaw Kid Mk-II
Be Sure
To Click On The Thumbnails! |
Here's one in
the "Outlaw Series."
 Photos thanks to Chuck Quinn.
 Click on the thumbnails for larger

 I wouldn't
have believed it, but there is another version of the Cheyenne Cap Gun from
BCM. And why did they put "Outlaw" on the box? On our TV show he was one of the
good guys.
 Photos thanks to Chuck Quinn.

 BCM Outlaw Mustang and Box
Nice Cap
Gun in mint condition from England.
 From the collection of Chuck
Quinn |

I don't know if this Cap Gun is
very rare. It must be, for it is coming in at 6-1/2 years from the inception of
this website.
 Photos are thanks to Chuck Quinn. |
Please Click On Each Thumbnail For An Enlarged
View! |

 Here's a BCM
pistolet. Photo by Chuck Quinn.

 Here's a BCM Patrol Cap Gun
from England. Photo by Chuck Quinn.

 This is a presentation
set of miniatures from the BCM Company (Derby) Ltd. of England. The two on the
right are absolute knock-offs of the Nichols Dyna-Mite and the Nichols
Buccaneer. Not much in the way of integrity, huh? Anyway, this is an
interesting set. It even includes BP (British Petroleum) gun oil. The box kind
of reminds me of the Hubley Colt 45 box. CLICK ON
PHOTO TO SEE A LARGER COPY Photos by Mike Garrels

 Daisy 45 by BCM of England
I didn't know
that Daisy made a Colt 45, but if it's made, then the chances are always good
that Chuck Quinn would have it. It looks suspiciously like the Leslie-Henry .44
series. They must have had a surplus of little rubies at the factory, for every
gun has 14 in it. Please notice the Indian Brave on the grip. I haven't seen
another like it. Two feathers. After reading up a little more on the BCM
company of England, I found this Cap Gun was made by them for Daisy. Daisy
distributed a lot of guns with their name on them, but made by other companies.
I have this Cap Gun featured on the Others Page as well with some nice
 Photos thanks to Chuck Quinn.
 Click on the thumbnails for larger
photos! |

 Awesome BCM
This Cap Gun is almost like a
cross between the standard Leslie-Henry .44 and a Nichols Stallion 45 in many
ways. But the grips? The grips are purely their own. With a few extra jewels
like the Lone Star Range Rider MK-II.
 This Cap Gun is exactly like the Daisy 45
(also by BCM), except for the name. The funny thing is that if you're going to
be a serious collector, you must have them both! (sorry!)
 Photos by Rich
Hall |

 Here's the same BCM Outlaw
Six Gun, but in Gold! With a BOX!!! Thanks to Julien Tessier for these

 Here's a BCM flyer (or
ad) from our good friend Harold Utley. CLICK ON

 B.C.M. Company
(Derby) LTD Outlaw Kid in Gold
Here's another offering from
the BCM Company in England. This one is relatively simple, but pretty
All photos thanks to Chuck Quinn Be Sure
To Click On The Thumbnails! |

 The Apache, long thought to
be by Lone Star is actually by BCM. The Daisy 38 is also by them and they both
pretty much look alike. The Rebel...well, I'm not so sure. Photo
contribution by Belinda Quan.

 In addition to another
clone of the Spit-Fire (This one is called "Hip Gun."), we have two different
versions of the BCM Apache here. CLICK ON PHOTO FOR
 From the Chuck Quinn collection

 This is one fantastic
BCM Apache set. Fred asked me what was in the lower left-hand corner and I
suggested it might have been some caps. Any takers? CLICK ON PHOTO FOR CLOSE-UP
 Photo by Steve

  Here's a nice set of 3
Davy Crockett Cap Guns. The top one is a painted BCM (done at the factory!),
the mid one is a very rare Classy and the bottom one is a George
 From the Chuck Quinn collection

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