
The Nichols Stallion 45! THE KING OF THE DIE-CAST CAP
The first in the Stallion Series of Toy Cap Guns
was the world famous Nichols Stallion 45. This is basically a Colt 45
Peacemaker and was made in Pasadena, Texas at the original Nichols Industries
plant. This gun used the first 2-piece bullets that actually fired smoke out
through the barrel. |
 How's this for a
magnificent way to start the Pasadena Stallion 45 page? This is the 2nd model,
which has very minor "improvements."
 Photo thanks to Chuck Quinn.

 Here's a fine
Pasadena Stallion 45 that has been mounted to a nice frame. This offering is
by Gary Cooper. Thanks! CLICK ON PHOTO TO SEE A LARGER

Simply a nice pair of photos from our friend Ken
Thompson. Thanks Ken! |
This website will have a LOT of "Thumbnails" for the Cap
Guns, that when clicked on "Pop-Up" into larger images and more information. If
you have your browser set to reject Pop-Ups or your Internet Service Provider
is currently set to eliminate Pop-Ups, you are not going to enjoy this website
as much as you would like. There are hundreds (mostly from folks like you) on
this site. |
 A nice pair of Stallion 45s from Pasadena, Texas! Aunt Ruth
molded the Longhorn Steer for the right grip originally for the Silver
Mustang, but it was used for the Stallion 45 as well. See the actual molds
on the Mustang page. CLICK ON GUNS TO SEE NOTCHED
This gun was hurriedly put together, but not into production yet,
just before the Toy Fair in New York in 1950. A few of the prototypes were
taken there and they created a sensation. Once Lewis and Talley came home, they
immediately put the Stallion 45 into production, since they had sold out over a
year's worth at the Toy Fair.
 Even though this particular pistol was considerably
higher priced than the first Nichols Cap Guns, it was enthusiastically received
by the public and became the cornerstone of the company. |
Now here's a couple of kids having a good time with a pile of
Pasadena Stallion 45s. Actually this is the author (who still has white hair!)
and his cousin Susan Gail on his daddy's desk in the old Pasadena plant. This
photo was taken about 1951 or so. There were about 35 brand new Stallions on
the desk and at today's prices for unfired mint guns, that's about $10,000
worth. Why didn't we save them? |

 Here is a piece
of the Mickey Mouse Club show in 1955 that shows Roy (Jimmie had them too) with
what appears to be Nichols Stallion 45's from the Pasadena days. In the film
segment, I don't see the characteristic Circle "N" logo on the grips, so they
couldn't have been the MK-II's plus they weren't made until 1957. However, I
don't ever recall seeing black grips on Pasadena Stallion 45's. You tell me!
Notice that the chrome frame divides the grips on Roy's right gun. Real guns
usually don't have that feature or Hollywood prop guns. But there wasn't
another Cap Gun on the market at the time that looked as much like Stallions as
these. (Jimmie Dodd was my hero! He wrote almost all of the songs on the show
and was a born-again Christian who taught values to kids, both on and off the
set. He died of cancer at 54.) This photo is used without permission and I just
hope that Walt Disney doesn't sue me, for I have nothing but respect for them
and I don't sell anything. You will also notice that all of the Mouseketeers
had toy guns and didn't turn out to be criminals!!!

 Standard Stallion 45 Bullets CLICK TO
SEE! |
 Machined Stallion 45 Bullets CLICK TO
SEE! |
 45 Bullets and a
 3rd Party Red Stallion Grips CLICK TO
SEE! |

 Okay Nichols fans, here is
the DEFINITIVE ANSWER to Nichols Stallion 45 bullets. We are going to talk
about them from left to right.
 1.) Nichols machined aluminum - Rare 2.) Nichols
cast aluminum 1st variation - very scarce 3.) Nichols cast aluminum 2nd
variation - scarce 4.) Nichols cast zinc alloy - most common 5.) After
Market cast lead (?) - reproduction made in China.

this doesn't include reproduction bullets made by private people, but merely
represents what the major picture looks like.)
 Many thanks to
Rich Hall of Cap Gun Toys for furnishing the text and the

 Pasadena Stallion 45 Shipping Box
Click On Each Thumbnail For An Enlarged View! Photos thanks to Brian
Roeder |

 And with the
invention of 2-piece bullets, we had to have round caps! The one in the lower
left is the earliest variation, but look at the one in the upper right-hand
corner! Its colors are reversed. I had never seen that before. Photo thanks
to Jamie
Linford one of our advertisers.

 Well, here's a type of
Stallion Round Cap Box that you won't see every day! Very unusual Photos
thanks to Jim Clowers. (CLICK TO SEE LARGER PHOTO)

 Stallion Round Cap Cartons
These are
cartons of the round caps, but you might notice that the ones on the top have
pictures of the Pasadena Stallion 45. Since they are labeled Jacksonville,
Texas, then that means that they were produced before the Stallion 45 MK-II.
The interesting thing about the lower left two cartons is that the colors are
reversed. I don't know why they did that, for you will also notice that the
carton itself is the same-except for the caps that are falling out of the
little box on the front! The end of the lower right carton seems to say that
there are 50 boxes in the carton. Well, that doesn't make any sense, as there
are twelve in a layer and I have calculated that there are probably 6 layers,
which makes 72 boxes of caps. So...are there 50 caps per box? You tell
me. Please Click On Each Thumbnail For An Enlarged
View! Thanks to Chuck Quinn for the above
photos! One of our many advertisers. |

A Note About The Aluminum Stallion 45 Bullets |

At the beginning of the Korean War the government banned the use
of lead by private companies because the metal was considered critical to the
war effort. The Nichols company was forced to find another metal from which to
make their bullets so they chose aluminum. MN |

 This set looks like it was
made yesterday. In case you can't read it, the little price tag says, "JERRY'S
BIKE SHOP" and the price is FIFTY NINE CENTS. I am jealous. I think this is the
same box as mine, but in decent shape. Dag nabbit!
 Photo thanks to
Ken Thompson! |
Stallion featured elegant scrollwork, 2-piece firing bullets, a rotating
cylinder that rotated 1 bullet every time you pulled the trigger, beautiful
white grips (with a Longhorn Steer on one side and a Rearing Stallion on the
other), and quality workmanship throughout. This pistol was later reworked into
the Stallion 45 MK-II and it differs from that later model in that it has the
only "ruby" in the handle of any of the Nichols Stallion pistols and is not
quite as ornate, but the overall quality of the MK-II was higher. Originally
the 2-piece bullets were turned on a lathe and these are quite rare, but later
bullets were die-cast from zinc alloy for the insert and the base was stamped
from brass. The individual caps fit into this base. When the gun was fired, a
puff of smoke would come out of the barrel. The caps were made by Al Cohen of
Houston, Texas.

Leather Holsters |

In the early days of the company the leatherwork was farmed out
to various independent companies. The most notable of these for Nichols
Industries was Tex Tan. If you will notice, on the home page I have featured a
holster that was made by them for my dad, Lewis W. Nichols, Jr. This holster
was custom made, as were others, as special gifts to special people. We still
have this holster in our family. I did, however, for "artistic reasons" take
the liberty of rearranging it a little in order to make everything fit on the
home page graphic. The holster is actually a double holster that holds 2
Stallion 45's from Pasadena. You might notice the "LWN" initials. In later
years there actually was leatherwork done in Jacksonville. I remember watching
an old man when I was younger (hey, he was probably 45!) making holsters.
He would select a particular hide from the stack and then place it on the press
and then arrange a leather die somewhere on this hide-to get the maximum yield
from the hide-and then REMOVE his hands (!) and press a button with each hand
and CLICK! The platen would come down and instantly a piece of leather had been
transformed into something that pretty much looked like a holster. I just stood
there mesmerized by this process. MN |
At the bottom
of every page is a Circle "N" Logo and when you click on it, it will take you
back to the top of the page. |
Stallion 45
Please Click On Each Thumbnail For An Enlarged
View! Many thanks to Paul M. Bouder for the above photos! |

When I first saw this
box, I didn't believe it! This box is for the Pasadena version of the Stallion
45, but during the year and a half (or so) that it was manufactured in
Jacksonville. I don't think they ever changed the tooling on the barrel to say,
"JACKSONVILLE." I really think that the nicest part of this box is that, as of
now, it belongs to me!
 Photo thanks to Jerry Carney! |

 Folks...How's this
for a super rare box? As has been stated before, in the earliest days Nichols
was just happy to have anybody sell their Cap Guns. They had a special
relationship with Tex Tan and provided them with the Nichols Stallion 45's and
Tex Tan made 2 different boxes. This seems to be the rarest of all. This is a
single piece box.
 Thanks to Don Raker for this submission!

 If that isn't enough, then here's the second
version (or was it the first?) of the Tex Tan box. This is the 2-piece
 Thanks to Joe Muscanere for this submission!

 Here's a good look at the inside of the box
although it doesn't have the little manual.
 Thanks to John D. Lukacs for this

 I know I have another right above this,
but Ron sent an even bigger picture of the set, so if you click on it, then you
can see it even bigger. You will notice that the 6 bullets are in a little
cardboard box. This little box is more rare than the Cap Gun by far. Little
kids would just throw it away. I don't know why he threw in an extra set of
 Thanks to Ron Wright for thiese photos.

 Here is a
holster made by Melvin G. Miller of Houston, Texas that was suitable for either
left or right-handed Buckaroos. This is a pretty rare box and can actually be
found by itself, whereas some boxes strictly will come with the Cap Guns
inside. But this is still a wonderful catch and I narrowly missed out on this
MORE Thanks to Doug Hamilton for this submission!

Stallion 45 (Notched Version)
Please Click On Each
Thumbnail For An Enlarged View! Photos thanks to Jim Turner! |

Please Click On Each
Thumbnail For An Enlarged View! |
 Original tooling |
 More original tooling |
Above photos by Robert
Nichols |
 Tex Tan box from the
50's. |
 The original Stallion
45. |
Above photos by
Ted Dietrich |
 Notched 1950
gun and box |
 Same basic box,
but from Nichols |
Above photos by Ken
Thompson |
Please Click On Each
Thumbnail For An Enlarged View! |
 Right Grip |
Grip |
Please Click On Each
Thumbnail For An Enlarged View! |

 A nice
ad in some trade publication for the Stallion 45 from Pasadena, the toy of
the year in 1950!
 Thanks to Ken Thompson for the nice photo.

 Though there are "fake Stallion 45's" (people
have gold plated them), we in the family count as the "real thing" those that
were actually gold plated by the factory itself at the time. This particular
Stallion 45 was gold plated by the factory in the 1950's in Pasadena and is a
family member's prize. It fostered the idea for the famous Stallion 45 MK-II
Presentation Model later on. Notice that on this Cap Gun all of the main parts
were gold plated.
 Again, thanks Robert Nichols for the
photo One of the quality
features of the Stallion 45 is that a youngster could take it apart and find
out what made it work. Many guns of the period from other companies were cast
and riveted and couldn't be taken apart. Attention to detail however, was
evident when you took the Nichols guns apart.
 These pistols
are still a collector's item and command a very high priceespecially when
"Mint In The Box."

Stallion 45 is so popular that many people around the world have collected
them. This is a notched version that has been put in a nice walnut display
case. The really interesting thing about this is that the owner of the display
case has had the "Circle N" etched into the glass on the case's cover. Nice
 Thanks to Ken Thompson for the photo.

 This beautiful Stallion 45
was spruced up by Ed DeVries, just because he could. He gold plated the
cylinder and the hammer. Somewhat the opposite of the famous G-45 Stallion 45
MK-II. I thought it looked beautiful, so I stuck it here, showing what can be
done in good taste.
 Thanks for this photo from Ed DeVries.



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