
 A nice example of a Stallion 41-40 showing the
flip-out side. This right side view also shows the little lever used to release
the flip-out cylinder. Sadly, this is the only part of the gun I would have
changed. I would have made it a little thicker so that it wasn't so
fragile. (Psssssst.......If you own some of these levers, get in
touch!) |
 Click on box to see
a larger view |
The above photo shows the nice grips. There are
also some grips that had a lot of brown in themthus looking more "Stag
Horn-ish." This cap pistol also uses the same 2-piece bullets as the Stallion
38 and others. One of the more wonderful things about the flip-out cylinder is
that once out, you can push the knurled rod on the front of the flip-out
assembly towards the rear of the gun and it will push out the bullets! What a
great feature!

A little kid would "casually" let his friend show
him his cap gun, and THEN he would pull out HIS
Stallion 41-40 and (again very casually) flip out the cylinder........and push
out the bullets.

..... Case Closed!
........ Humiliation
Complete! |
 This is a sensational photo
of the front end of the Stallion 41-40 showing what the neighbor's kid would be
seeing after YOU flipped out the cylinder. Thanks Robert Nichols for the

 Another fine photo showing
the very classy grips on the Stallion 41-40. Thanks Jamie Linford for the
photo! (One of our advertisers!) |

 A close-up showing the (now) standard Circle
"N." You can see the flashing here as it came out of the die casting machine.
After the casting, the pistol was put into another "die" and a press came down
and WHAM! All of the extra flashing was removed. Next they were taken to the
plating facilities.

 Nice close-up of
the cylinder with the six 2-piece bullets Photo by Jamie

 A bullet clip that was
furnished for many of the smaller Stallion cap guns including the Stallion
.41-40. Photo by Jamie Linford (One of our advertisers!) |
 It is quite possible that it is impossible to get
a better photo of the Stallion 41-40 barrel than this. Otherwise I would have
reduced the size of this photo in order to get this page to load more quickly.
I hope that you will be patient in this website, for "normally" you don't build
a site that has so many photos nor such large ones, but I figure that since
this site is designed to be a repository of knowledge on Cap Guns, that you
will forgive a slow-loading page out of your desire to "see it all."
 Thanks Joe
Chapman for the photo above and below! (Learn photo tips from this
man!!!) |

 This whole Cap Gun just has
simple amazing scrollwork. When you think of the best scrollwork, and not just
the most, but the finest in excellent quality and taste, you must think of the
Stallion 41-40. |
It was not rare to have a broken Stallion 41-40,
as the stress on the swing mechanism was acute and it was common to have the
frame crack. However, since the screw on the frame held it all together, then
one did not always notice this situation. I have one that exhibits this very
 However, as previously stated, if you only can afford
ONE Nichols Cap Gun, then this might make a
good candidate. For me, it evokes many fond memories of youth. (Thank you Uncle
Talley!) |
 Here's another great shot of the cylinder when it
is out. Unusual, of course, for a revolver's cylinder to swing out to the right
and not the standard Smith & Wesson left side. |
 Doggone this is a pretty set of Stallion 41-40s! It reminds me of
the sets mentioned above that my Uncle Talley gave to John and me one
Christmas. I may as well mention that John Yocom (my favorite cousin because of
our closeness in age and general demeanor) was my Aunt Gwen's son, who is Uncle
Talley's sister, and of course, my dad's sister.
 Photos by Carl
and Ginger Robbins
 And here is the Quick Draw
Holster for the .41-40 (and the 38) AND this is the RARE ONE with the lettering
on the card. Nice set of Pasadena Stallion 45's and double holsters in the back
PLUS the Nichols gun (or hat) rack up above. And I also see a Model 94 rifle
peeking out the right side and a Cowhand underneath. Is that a Stallion Model
61 underneath the .41-40 holster? CLICK ON PHOTO
 This photo is by Belinda Quan from Chuck
Quinn's collection.

 This is another
one of those wonderful Melvin G. Miller Co., Inc. sets from Houston,
 This photo is by Theran Mills.

 Nichols Stallion
41-40 Made in Great Britain
To me, this is about as weird
as it gets. I think that my Uncle Talley would roll over in his grave to see
something like this. Correct me if I'm wrong ANYBODY, but I can't imagine that
while my uncle controlled the company, Nichols Industries would have allowed
Great Britain to manufacture one of their premier Cap Guns. I have to think
that it must have been done during the Kusan years, because the tooling would
have had to be furnished to the Brits. But notice that it is quite clear that
it was made in Great Britain.
 Photos by Rich Hall |
Be Sure To Click On
The Thumbnails! |


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